It was the next day after Mituysa had made the peace treaty with the black dragons and some of the toman captains were meeting, at a restaurant to talk more about the whole situation. Takemichi didn't want to give up on hakkia and she had a plan to get him back she just need to make sure everyone was with her on this idea. She hadn't been saying anything yet because she knew if she spoke now it will cause many issues.
Takemichi " we cant only hakkia to become a puppet to his brother"
Draken " Takemichi we have been over this before we cant do anything about it, we have to make sure to follow the treaty Mituysa made"
Takemichi " yes I know but taiju is a monster and we can't allow him to keep hurting his brother and sister"
Smiley " why do you care so much anyways he had always be black dragon scum"
Takemichi " he has always been loyal to toman"
Muto " just because you had become toman divisions captain doesn't give you rights to speak up all the times"
Takemichi " I think we should"
Mikey " Takemichi it has been decided enough already why are you protecting him he was the reason you got hurt"
Chifuyu " it because she cares Mikey she docent want to lose anyone else"
Takemichi " guys listen I think"
Mikey " whatever she my girl anyways she should be doing what I commanded"
Takemichi " let me get this straight no matter what are relationship is like you don't owe or commanded me"
Mikey " I didn't mean it like that I was saying I know what best for everyone here in toman, and what I say goes so forget about hakkia and move on... why do you always allow you emotion tonged the best of you take-chan"
Takemichi " please mikey he your friend"
Mikey " enough okay it has been agreed on nothing else from your Takemichi if you keep this up it will be over"
Takemichi " what"
Mikey " I can't have you caring more about others like that, you have to pick you have to pick your side maybe I was wrong in fall in love you with " everyone else expect Takemichi and chifiyu had left, he had stayed there to be supportive towards Takemichi. Who looked like she was hurt by mikey word.
Chifuyu " so what your plan take-chan"
Takemichi " I have an idea but we are going to need more man power" the two teens had left the restaurant after paying for the meal, she as trying of a perfect plan when they had came across Hanma and Kisaki.
Kisaki " hello take-Chan we came to help you"
Takemichi " what do you want kisaki if you are here to mock me please do"
Kisaki " I haven't come here to mock you I'm sorry for Mikey attitude he has failed as a boyfriend, if he really loved you he would follow your wish but I'm willing to help you"
Takemichi "what do you mean"
Hanma " if you want to get Hakkai back you need some more help and we are here to help you"
Takemichi " well what else do I have to lose I'm in"
Chifuyu " I'm coming with you take-Chan I'm loyal to you"
Takemichi " thank you fuyu you are great friend" Takemichi had soon went home she had gotten any texts or calls form Mikey, so she finally thought the relationship was over between the two of them. She had layed in bed crying a bit she was doing everything for him and everyone else she loved and this how he treats her.
Takemichi " I hate love at times"

Mikey princess (hiatus)
FanfictionTakemichi one job was to save her childhood friends from the dark future that they were all living in, so she teamed up with her best friend hina brother to stop toman but she didn't see her faith and plan changing. When she meet Mikey the captain o...