Takemichi soon realized she was standing in jewelry store she was wondering how she even got here or what she was doing here anyways. She soon looked up and saw a store clerk was looking at he and him seemed scared out of his mind.
Store clerk " miss which one of these necklaces do you love the most" soon Takemichic soon down at the glass stand and saw there were three necklace.
Takemichi " you know I'm fine I have no taste to necklaces for today"
???? " hey Takemichi are you ready to go ... hey buddy stop looking at her like that or else"
Store clerk " I'm sorry ma'am"
Takemichi " it okay" Takemichi soon left the store with unknown guy but for someone reason this guys was reminding her of someone.
???? " you know Mikey would always but you anything you want"
Takemichi " umm yeah wait what going on"
???? " awww takemichi you haven't changed since we been young now come on I have to get you home ... men we are leaving" soon Takemichi was helped into a car by the unknown guy. The car soon left the shopping area Takemichi was tryin to find out what happened, she was really lost.
Takemichi " ......"
???? " everything okay take-chan"
Takemichi " what did you call me"
???? " take-chan im the only few Mikey allow you to call you that due us being childhood friends"
Takemichi " yamashi"
Yamaghi " that my name you still are the same girl from when we were young"
Takemichi " umm yeah I have been spacing out lately"
Yamaghi " I understand you have been busy with toman,your relationship with Mikey, and everything else happing in your life"
Driver " excuse me miss will it be fine if I have a smoke in the car" soon yamaghi kicked the driver chair hard getting the girl attention.
Yamaghi " you know she hates it when people smoke so no"
Driver " im sorry miss"
Takemichi " it okay"
Yamasghi " maybe you could take a nap when we get back home, you look very stress"
Takemichi " sure" soon the car ride ended and Takemichi got out to see a group of men greeting her.
Men " welcome home miss"
Makoto " hey Takemichi have you found the necklace you want to wear for your ...."
Takuya " hey idiot remember we not suppose to stress her out even more"
Makoto " oh sorry take-chan"
Takemichi " it okay" her three childhood friends walked with her into the giant penthouse did she really own all of this, she soon entered the living roman was greeted once again.
Chifuyu " you are finally here take-chan have a seat everyone else out now"soon Takemichi friends saved goodbye to her leaving her alone with chifuyu.
Chifuyu " hey we are needed at a dinner tonight with toman higher ups Mikey said he will try to be there, I think he fears making you mad"
Takemichi " if he cant make it I understand"
Chifuyu " I still can't believe you said yes to him"
Takemichi " wait yes about what"
Chifuyu " we can talk about that later okay and Emma will be coming by tomorrow to help you plan you the big day"
Takemichi " wait I'm...." Takemichi couldn't finish her words before she was told to get ready for the dinner, she was taken to beautiful restaurant.
???? " well her is Takemichi hanagki or should we be calling you miss sano now"
Takemichi " ....."
Chifuyu " leave her alone she stressed enough about everything else we don't need the wedding be mentioned"
Takemichi " yeah the wedding"
???? " good evening my lady you are looking beautiful like always"
???? "Yes inpui you are right our lady is always beautiful"
Chifuyu "hands off former black dragons she is with Mikey" soon the tension was normal but soon become bad, when the guys started getting intoa fight.
Hanma " lady Takemichi I have made sure your mother is being well take care of, and that her hospital bills are being payed for"
Takemichi " what...."
Kiskai " hey everyone"
Everyone " good day sir"
Kisaki " hello Takemichi you are looking beautiful I'm sorry to say but Mikey won't be joining us for dinner"
Takemichi " it okay if you all excuse I need some fresh air"
Chifuyu " I will come with you"
Takemichi "no I'm good" Takemichi was soon standing outside on the balcony she was having a small panic attack, she was trying to understand what going on.
Takemichi " aken is still dead and maybe even hina .... I dont know abut naoto ... my mother is in the hospital.... I'm getting married"
Chifuyu " hey take-chan are you okay"
Takemichi " yeah I'm fine ... I'm just feeling a bit sick"
Kiskai " hey chifuyu let me speak to her alone" chifuyu seemed like he wanted to stay but he soon left.
Kiskai " you and mikey are getting married in couple of months you know hina will be back late tonight so she will be helping you plan the wedding"
Takemichi " wait you and hina ..."
Kisaki " we are dating slowly but one day she will be my wife" Takemichi felt like the whole world was coming crashing down, kiskai looked like he was worried because if anything happened to you he was dead man. The rail had even away and you were about to fall but kissing caught you the last thing you saw was chifuyu and some others running towards her.
Many hours later
Takemichi " umm"
???? " hey beautiful you are finally up" Takemichci soon looked up to see Mikey but he looked so different, while this time not having dyed blonde hair, he had white dyed hair it was long then usual.
Takemichi " Mikey"
Mikey " don't move so much beautiful chifuyu is still here he sleeping in the guest room, kisaki and others found out someone at the restaurant put some poison in your drink trying to kill you ... thank to kisaki we were able to find that bastard and kill him ... I'm sorry I was not here earlier for you but you are safe now"
Takemichi " okay"
Mikey " go back to sleep I will stay here for tonight but in the morning I have to leave, but I will be back soon"
Takemichi " okay" Takemichi soom had fallen asleep and Mikey pulled her close to him and kissed her forehead, he was mot going to allow anyone to take her aww from him. He was going to keep her safe and kill any who tried to take her away only he could love her like he can. There was something else holding this young couple together, that with make a tight bond together forever.
( well If anyone has any questions of what this bond this please comment below and I will asked your questions)

Mikey princess (hiatus)
FanfictionTakemichi one job was to save her childhood friends from the dark future that they were all living in, so she teamed up with her best friend hina brother to stop toman but she didn't see her faith and plan changing. When she meet Mikey the captain o...