Takemichi had arrived at the church where she was meeting her contact, she had asked the others to stay back in the car so they won't get hurt. She soon had entered the church she was hoping he was here he was the only one who will answer her questions. She didn't know why she knew his number so well but that was not import right now, it had been many years since she entered this church. The last time she was here when the fight had happened on that Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
??? " we'll takemichi it been a while since I saw you getting that call shocked me"
Takemichi " hello tenjiu how are you doing"
Tenjiu " bettet then other haven't you heard toman has changed for the worst, but I can tell why you went into hiding"
Takemichi " what happened why has toman become so evil, my friends have told me they changed and whole war has started between them and izana gang"
Tenjiu " it had started when izana and his gang deiced to pull some dirty moves on toman, and nearly killing someone every important"
Takemichi " who"
Tenjiu " that a long story my dear"
Takemichi " ..... why are you not working for them"
Tenjiu " who says I'm not working for them when I got your call, I agreed to come meet you I want you to stop this maddens and save my brother hakkia has never been the same after that day"
Takemichi " I will do what I can and I will save your brother and everyone else"
Tenjiu " you know I never got to thank you that much all those years ago, you really knocked some sense into me ... I came back here to help my brother and sister"
Takemichi " that good"
Tenjiu " I was able to get enough money to send Yuzuha to safety but hakkia won't come, he to loyal to toman to see what is happening"
Takemichi " don't worry tenjiu I will help you save hakkia and the others"
Tenjiu " takemichi if you most know this all started when you and Emma were attacked and nearly killed, you need to stay safe and keep Emma safe and you ...."
????? " well well what do we see here our former leader ratting us out" takemichi had looked and saw inui and koko standing with some other men behind them, they were not longer the same she couldn't even remember their old selves.
Koko " so what are you doing here tenjiu are you rattling us out you know the rules, if you betray toman you most die"
Inui " who is your little friend ... takemichi"
Takemichi " ......"
Men " that the boss girl I thought she was still in the hospital"
Men 2 " we should bring her to the boss it will make him happy"
Takemichi " I ...."
Tenjiu " I'm not letting her go with any of you mikey is not right and give him her will make everything worst"
Inui " get out of our way we are taking takemichi away from here and making you pay"
Takemichi " what going on here with all of you"
Koko " tak-chan come with us and we will explain everything just trust us"
Takemichi " I want to trust you two but you are both scaring me what has happen to you"
Inui " that day changed everything and everyone takemichi, when we thought we lost you for good"
Tenjiu " takemichi run I will deal with them"
Takemici " what about you"
Tenjiu " I will be fine run now and get far away from here" takemichi nodded her head and took off running she was waved down by naoto, and got into the car with everyone else as they took off. She was having a hard time breathing she was trying to understand everything that was happing.
Naoto " don't worry I'm getting your ladies to safety, until everything dies down and mikey back off"
Hina " what about you"
Naoto " I will be not far away from you all, but I might have to keep my distance for everyone safety" No one was following them was good but takemihci still felt like she need to get back to the past, the support of her friends soon a bright light had overcome takemichi. She didn't know what was happening but she felt something was off, she soon opens her eyes to see the group had gotten into a car crash.
Takemichi " help ... guys ... hina ..naoto... Emma" takemichi had gotten out of the car was trying to grand her phone and call for help when she heard footsteps walking over to them.
Takemichi " help us ... kisaki"
Kisaki " forgive me ... you have always had a special place on my heart my Takemichi" soon kisaki had fired off a gun shooting Takemichci, as leaned against the car. She slowing stared closing her eyes as she was dying, she didn't want to end thing like this in the future she didn't want to leave everyone behind and break promises.

Mikey princess (hiatus)
FanfictionTakemichi one job was to save her childhood friends from the dark future that they were all living in, so she teamed up with her best friend hina brother to stop toman but she didn't see her faith and plan changing. When she meet Mikey the captain o...