More time had gone by and now Takemichic was wondering if mikey was even going to show up that all the poor girl was starting to think he changed his mind. Draken was getting dirty looks from Emma and hina wondering where mikey was they were getting at both boys. Takemichic had wonder off alone because she need some time to think she was leaning on a tree when it soon started raining.
Takemichi " oh great the day keeps on getting worst by the moment" Takemichic soon started making her way back to everyone else trying to find them so you can leave as a group but she could've find them but she did find something or someone else. She had saw Kiyomasa and his gang but they were talking to someone one wearing a white jumpsuit with the same names of mobuis.
Takemichic " what going on here"
???? " hey Kiyomasa look what I found our former leaders girl" one of Kiyomasa friends grabbed the girl arm and started pulling her towards the group, and they all gave her this ice cold look.
Kiyomasa " well it the girl who end my career as a delinquent boss of middle school brats"
Takemichic " hey you were the creep bullying kids you idiot"
Kiyomasa " you know once I kill draken and mikey you will be all mine and I will make you pay for what you had said"
Takemichi " not happening buster" Kiyomasa was soon kicked in the face by Takemichi soon had punched the boy holding her and she soon made a run for it, she need to find draken and tell him about Kiyomasa dirty plan.
Somewhere else
Draken " Takemichi where did you go I promised the girl I will walk you home ....." Emma and hina had left together when it started raining but wanted to stay to find their friend, but draken told them to head home and he will find you and take you home right away. Draken seem to be mad at mikey for not showing up like he said and now the whole date was over for him and Takemichic.
???? " draken" draken had turned around to see peh standing there wearing the toman jumpsuit and robes as well and right away he knew something was the matter.
Draken " hey peh have you seen takemich and what the matter with you looking all serious"
Peh " ......."
Draken " fine we are going to do this are we" darken soon had taken a few steps towards peh but that when he heard footsteps coming up from behind him, and he soon turned around to see a mobuis member holding a bat ready to swig.
Back to Takemichic
Takemichi " I think I lost them good" Takemichi was soon walking when out of no where to bright light landed on her blinding her for a bit, she soon was able to see and tell the person was Mituysa on his bike.
Takemichi " Mituysa'
Mituysa " oh Takemichic great I found you draken told us of what happened and so it become worst we had gotten word there is an attack place on draken'
Takemichi " I know we have to find draken quickly Kiyomasa has a knife and he going to kill draken"
Mituysa " okay head home ....."
Takemichi " no I'm coming with you Mituysa mobuis dose not play games and so im coming as back up I can fight"
Mituysa " fine lets go" Mituysa and Takemichic ran threw the rain and soon found out where the fight was happening, they saw some mobuis members on the ground and drake still standing but he was hurt.
Takemichi " draken"
Darken " oh hey Takemichi and Mituysa" draken soon fell to his knees and Mituysa and Takemichic ran to his aid, Takemichic soon saw peh standing with mobuis.
Mituysa " peh what are you doing how dare you betray toman"
Peh " Mituysa shut up or I have them kill you too"
Takemichi " peh what you are doing is not right how dare you act a friend do you think pah would like this"
Peh " pah is gone because of this I'm doing this for him"
Takemichi " pah decided to take responsibility for his actions like an adult and not run away, he is acting mature for this what would he think about this"
Random guy " wow she acting like she something special"
Takemichi " oh shut up or when this fight start I will make you pay and see what a girl can do" all the mobuis guys looked scared a bit while Mituysa and draken were smirking. Soon everyone had gotten quite when the sound of motorcycle engine filled that air.
Darken " he final here your boyfriend is here take-chan"
Takemichi " you are hurt so I'm going to let that pass Kenny boy" Soon Mikey showed up on his motorcycle and soon got off.
Mikey " so you are behind this peh you called me away from my date and attack draken ... so peh tell me who is really behind all of this"
???? " well what do we have here the invisible Mikey" soon a boy with black and blonde hair walks up to Mikey and he was also smoking as well, he had some weird tattoos on his hand as well but one of them said sin.
Takemichci " ......
Mikey " who are you"
Hanam " the name is Hanma and I'm the new leader of mobius"
Mikey " so you are the one behind all of this"
Hanam " maybe" Mikey had made a kick towards Hanma head but Hanma had stoped the kick getting everyone attention.
Draken " he stop Mikey kick"
Hanam " that very cute and all but we are here to fight"
Mikey " we can take you on"
Hanam " mobius has 100 men while toman has three plus a cute girl" Hanam had looked Takemichci up and down, getting the girl to feel uncomfortable.
Takemichci " no thank you" Hanam didn't seem to like the answer Takemichci had given him, when Takemichci thought the fight was unfair soon enough the sound of many motorcycles filled the air. She soon looked around and saw the member of toman had shown up making the fight fair.
Draken " well you know I think I'm ready for a fight"
Mikey " well come on toman let go"
Hanam " mobius get them"
Mikey " Takemichci stay far away I don't want you getting hurt"
Takemichci " but I can help"
Mikey " please Takemichci stay out of this I don't want you getting hurt" before Takemichci could say anything the fight soon started but she was, not to going to fight Mikey about this because she had to save draken.

Mikey princess (hiatus)
FanfictionTakemichi one job was to save her childhood friends from the dark future that they were all living in, so she teamed up with her best friend hina brother to stop toman but she didn't see her faith and plan changing. When she meet Mikey the captain o...