Takemichci was back in the past after shaking hands with nato she was trying to find out what he next move will be, that was until she realized where she was at hot spring bath house. She had thought me had come here alone but she soon saw someone in the fog she thought it was another female.
Mikey " Take- Chan are you enjoying the hot springs"
Takemichci " Mikey what are you doing here"
Mikey " oh come on take-Chan I wanted to have some time with you" Mikey had this smirk on his face and Takemichci you smack the back of his head.
Takemichci " wip that smirk off your face idiot"
Mikey " oh come on Takemichci I'm not a idiot" Takemichci soon noticed her was wearing a bathing suit and so was Mikey, but she was still mad at him.
???? " yes you are I told you she will be mad but no don't listen to me"
Takemichci "wait draken why are you here as well"
Draken " well I came to save you from the arms and stupidity of Mikey, he told me of this plan and I was not going to leave you alone with him"
Takemichci " thank you"
Mikey " draken you are no fun "
Takemichci " hey draken I'm so happy you looking better are you better as well"
Draken " yeah I healed up quickly thanks to the amazing workout I have done over the years, my body has learned to heal well" Soon Mikey had punched draken in his injury scar making the boy mad at him and soon enough, the boys were fighting in the water. Takemichci soon stepped out of the water and warped herself in and towel, she was starting to dry off her hair when Mikey noticed she was about to leave.
Mikey " wait where are you going we were supposed to hangout together"
Takemichci " well it seems like you and draken are having a bromance right now so I'm going to leave you two to bond" Takemichci soon walked out of the hot spring neutral area and soon got changed into her regular clothes after she found them.
Mitusya " hey Takemichci how was the hot springs with Mikey" Takemichci had walked out of the hor springs house and she soon ran into three members of toman.
Takemichci " very funny mitsuya"
Mikey " hey Takemichci you are here I thought you were still changing"
Takemichci " you would of loved that would you"
Draken " Mikey you can bulky your girlfriend later on"
Takemichci " wait what going on"
Mikey " oh we are having a meeting where I'm going to announce the new captain of pah division"
Takemichci " oh" Takemichci was riding with draken because no one was really trusting Mikey with Takemichci on a bike, because they all knew his driving skills and rather have you safe then hurt.
Draken " the meeting is now began" they all soon arrived at the shrine and Takemichci was standing close to steps leading up to Mikey.
Mikey " we gather here today to for the announcement of the new captain of the third division" everyone was whispering who was going to be the new captain. Takemichci was wondering was she becoming the new division captain wait no mike would never let that happen right.
Mikey " third division captain step forward" soon Takemichci saw the face of the guys who will make her life and everyone else a living nightmare, the boy who she was after and going to stop Mikey from being close with and that was kisaki.
Takemichci " kisak" no one was happy about kisaki being here and Takemichci wouldn't blame them because kisaki was with mobius not to long ago.
Draken " if anyone has any issues they can step up now"
Mikey " we have to be ready to take on Valhalla this new vahalal is huge in number and we need all the man power, kisaki has shown is worth"
Takemichci " no" soon the announcement were over with and Takemichci was feeling many emotions she didn't want kisaki her, but how was she going to get Mikey to listen to her.
Kisaki " you most be the commander girl Takemichci I swear I will always protected you my lady" kisaki had place a hand on Takemichci shoulder getting the girl full attention, she soon felt uncomfortable.
???? " oh come on mikey you are going to allow other guys to touch your girl, I thought you love her but maybe if kisaki can be a better man you might lose her" Takemichci soon saw baji coming over but he was not at the meeting early.
Mitusya " baji what are you doing here you were told not to come"baji had pulled Takemichci away from kisaki and now both boys were looking at each other.
Baji " well I came to ruin your party you see Mikey you have become weak and now you can keep you girl away from others, so from now on I'm leaving toman and joining Valhalla making me your new enemy" Takemichci could tell Mikey was mad about this news. Soon baji was gone and Takemichci had ran off quickly she was feeling sick to her stomach, her later walked out of the restroom seeing everyone was gone.
Takemichci " looks like I'm walking home better get started walking"
Mikey " hey there you are I have been looking for you where did you go"
Takemichci " I'm not feeling well Mikey"
Mikey " hey here have a soda it will make you feel better and we can, wait where until you feel better and I can take you home"
Takemichci " sure" Takemichci drinks the soda and Mikey just stood there waiting for the perfect moment to say something.
Mikey " hey Takemichci I know you don't like kisaki but he good for the gang"
Takemichci " ....."
Mikey " I'm guessing you are not speaking to me right"
Takemichci " I don't trust him Mikey"
Mikey " you are right but hey here a promise if you can get baji back then I we'll make kisaki leave, if that makes you happy"
Takemichci " deal"
Mikey " good hey mitusya stop spying on me and my girl" soon Takemichci jumped up from the her seat and saw mitusya walking out from behind a tree.
Mitusya " well I was worried about Takemichci and draken didn't want to leave you be alone with her"
Mikey " well I have some more wonderful news starting today Takemichci you are in toman and you are in the same division as mitusya..... and mitusya if anything happens to her I will make you pay"
Mitusya " I will keep her safe"
Mikey " now come one let get going"
Mitusya " sure"
Takemichci " hey guys I will caught up with you all later there something I need to do" Mikey was about to say something but mitusya pulled him away. Takemichci was soon following after the guys when she stepped on something she soon saw it was some charm, the charm was holding something inside so she opened it up to see a picture of Mikey and his friends many years ago.
Takemichci " who the guy with the tiger tattoo" Takemichci place the charm and picture in her pocket she was going to find out a plan to bring baji back.

Mikey princess (hiatus)
FanfictionTakemichi one job was to save her childhood friends from the dark future that they were all living in, so she teamed up with her best friend hina brother to stop toman but she didn't see her faith and plan changing. When she meet Mikey the captain o...