Baji had fallen and everyone in toman was shocked about the whole things one moment baji was okay, and now she laying on the hood of the car bleeding out.
Chifuyu " kisaki what did you do to baji"
Kisaki " i didn't do anything to him"
Chifuyu " baji baji" soon chifuyu and Takemichci noticed that baji was bleeding badly,she soon started remembering why baji had told her about the stabbing not being a big deal.
Chifuyu " kazutora"
Mitsuay " quick all an ambulance"
Toman member " right away"
Takemichi " if baji dies then Mikey will kill kazutora"
Kisaki " oh I see it kazutora brought baji to Valhalla so he can kill him is that right Mikey" soon Takemichi noticed Mikey was up she made her way over to him.
Takemichi " no Mikey don't listen to him"
Mikey " you know when you got out of jail I wanted to kill you but baji always stoped me, and then I hear you are harassing the girl I love as well"
Takemichi " no Mikey don't" Mikey was making his way to kazutora who was on the ground he was no longer the same guy as before, Hanma thought it was good idea to get in the boy way but he was soon kicked in the head knocking the guys out cold.
Kazutora " betrayal is human nature I guess .. let ends this Mikey you are going to die or I'm doing to die" Mikey soon punched Kazutora hard in the face.
Mikey " of you want to destroy important thing then I will destroy you right now" Mikey soon started beating down on kazutora.
Takemichi " no please no" Takemichi was going to end this beaten Draken stood in her way, keeping the girl,away from the mad Mikey.
???? " Mikey" Takemichi soom turned around and saw baji was standing she was shocked but also worried for him.
Takemichi " no baji don't move you are going to make it worst"
Chifyuy " yes bai stop moving" soon baji made his way down the car pile and pass everyone else until he got to kazutora, he grabbed out a pocket knife and did something Takemichi didn't see coming. Baji had stabbed himself getting everyone full attention.
Takemichi " no"
Chifuyu " baji no" chifuyu ran towards baji who was now laying in the ground he was no moving or speaking.
Kazutora " you are up next the two of you can go to hell together"
Mikey " Shut up I will hit you until you die" soon Mikey had went back to beating up kazutora Takemichi was standing there trying to understand everything that was happening.
Takemichi " baji why did you stab yourself why baji"
Baji " take-Chan come over here please" Takemichi soon walked over to where baji and chifuyu were and she soon kneeling on the ground.
Baji " kisaki the enemy"
Takemichi " ...."
Baji " I saw him talking with Mikey after pah was arrested he said if he come the third division captain he can get pah out"
Takemichi " oh baji"
Baji " take care of them for me Takemichi they are all my treasure I did this to protect them, but it look like I failed"
Takemichi " no you didn't baji you are going to be okay"
Baji " no Takemichi I'm not but please look out for them all you are the best thing for Mikey, I have never seen him so happy until he meet you Takemichi"
Takemichi " .... Yes I will looks after them"
Baji " thank you and chifuyu I'm sorry but thank you for being a good friend"
Chifuyu " you are going to be okay boss"
Baji " I wish I would be okay but hey take care of yourself promise me that"
Chifuyu " I promise" soon baji stopped moving and that when Takemichi and chifuyu knew he was dead.
Chifuyu " Baji no" chifuyu was holding Baji in his arms crying and soon enough Takemichi started crying, she soon got up and step between mikey and kaztuora.
Takemichi " mike that enough the battle is done"
Mikey " take-chan I don't want to hurt you so get out of my way now ... draken move her out of the way so I can kill kazturoa"
Takemichi " no mikey stop Baji is done do you think he would of wanted this tell me" draken was starting to move takemichi out of the way, but that when the old childhood picture and charm had fallen from her pocket.
Mikey " takemichi where did you find this"
Takemici " the last toman meeting with Baji I found it on the ground it belong to him... baji did all of this because he didn't want your guys friendship to be even more broken... baji dead to protect all of you" Takemichi had tears falling down on her face she was soon hugged, by mikey who was not saying anything but soon the hug came to an end.
Mikey " I fail to protect him"
Takemichi " no you did everything you could do mikey" mikey and the guys were crying but soon the moment had been ended when the sound of police sirens filled the air.
Draken " we have to leave now everyone get out" soon everyone started walking away from the junkyard.
Kazturoa " mikey im sorry I know I cant be forgive for the crimes I have done but I will stay here with baji, and face my punishment" no one said anything to kaztuora.
Later that night
Takemichi " who could that be" Takemichi heard her doorbell ring she soon opened the front door to see mikey standing there with a sad look on his face.
Takemichi " hey Mikey why dont you come inside it cold out here"
Mikey " thanks" soon mikey walked into the house and sat in the living room Takemichi had made them something to eat.
Mikey " take-chan I dont know if I can forgive kazutora for what he had done"
Takemichi " I understand mikey but it all up to you, now come on eat something you have to keep your strength"
Mikey " sure" mikey had spent the night at Takemichi house he had spelt on the couch in the living room, when she said he could sleep in one of the guest room he said he was okay. when Takemichi woke up the next morning and went to the living room to check on mikey he was gone, he left a note saying he went home and had to deal with some things.
Later that day
Draken " thanks for coming with me takemichi"
Takemichi " hey I want to be helpful" draken and Takemichci soon arrived at the juvenile hall center where, kazutora was being held.
Kazutora " they said I will be here for ten years so I'm going to stay here and face my time"
Draken " don't die that what Mikey wanted me to tell you kazutora even after that all happened, you are still part of toman"
Kazutora " I don't ...."
Takemichi " don't say that kazutora yes what happened in the past was wrong but you have been forgive by Mikey, and now you have people waiting for you when you get out"
Kazutora " thank you take-Chan you are perfect for Mikey please stay by his side"
Takemichi " I will and take care kazutora" soom Draken and Takemichi left the center together Draken knew everyone was right Takemichi was the great thing for Mikey. He will make sure they become a perfect couple no matter what and he will now keep takemichi safe for this friend and commander.

Mikey princess (hiatus)
Fiksi PenggemarTakemichi one job was to save her childhood friends from the dark future that they were all living in, so she teamed up with her best friend hina brother to stop toman but she didn't see her faith and plan changing. When she meet Mikey the captain o...