Chapter 38

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Takemichi was trying to collect her thought about the whole moment of what had happened to her she was grateful that chifuyu and the twins came to save her, but now she had to spend the word of what had happened here today. She knew mikey was going to lose it when he was told of what had happened to Takemichi, what she heard from angry was that mikey was very mad about the whole thing he wanted to make kiskai pay big time.

Chifuyu " breath take-chan everything will be okay"

Takemichi " I feel like Kisaki never leave us alone he keeps on coming back"

Smiley " don't worry Takemichi we will make sure he dose not hurt you"

Angry " now after these whole stunt he is in more trouble with mikey"

Takemichi " I hope so"

Chifiyu " did you get there name or no"

Takemichi " kiskia had told me he had made his own toman they are called tenjuki but I don't think kisaki is there main leader"

Angry " their jackets are red and black right"

Takemichi " yeah"

Angry " look over there those two guys are wearing the same jacket hey brother why don't we teach them a lesson when it comes, to messing with one of us and girl"

Smiley " sure"

Chifuyu " sure I'm in it will be fun"

Takemichi " wait what are you three going to do ...." Before Takemichi could say anything else the twins and chifuyu ran at the two delinquents and started a fight in some alley, as Takemichi watched for anyone coming and she was trying to get the three guys to leave the two delinquents alone. After some time they soon arrived at the meeting area where everyone was waiting to check up on Takemichi.

???? " take-chan" Takemichi was soon hugged by hina and Emma who looked worried sick for the poor girl, once they were done hugging her the Mizo crew hugged her but they stayed silent.

Akkun " Takemichi we are sorry we couldn't save you we failed you once again"

Takemichi " no you didn't when times got tuff you all came to save me, and you saved me again by calling for help"

Takyua " so what happened"

Mikey " everyone back up and give her some breathing room, so Takemichi what those that creep want from us I was told kiskai behind this all"

Takemichi " yes he had made his own gang and wants revenge on toman for being kicked out, and I think he is using someone else gang"

Mikey " I will deal with him and his little gang when the time comes, you are most important right now"

Takemichi " okay"

Emma " we are going to make sure that creep stay away from you for good"

Takemichi " thank you Emma" everyone had talked for a bit more sitting down somewhere Emma and hina had brought some snack and drinks, mikey was holding Takemichic hand trying to make her feel better.

Later that night

Takemichi " thank you for bring me home Mikey"

Mikey " well you are my girl and I will do anything for you, im sorry for what happened to you tonight it was wrong"

Takemichi " well it okay now"

Mikey " hey take-chan no matter what kisaki tells you I want you to know that I love you, and you have become apart of my world and without you I will be lost you are one of the many lights in my dark world"

Takemichi " you have become apart of my world as well mikey" mikey soon kissed Takemichi quickly before he turned around and walked away, leaving Takemichi there wondering what had happened. What either one of them knew was that they were being watched from far away.

??? " to hurt Mikey the most we most get rid of the ones he loved the most, and that mean starting with her or his sister"

???? " she to beautiful to be with him maybe you can steal her away from him and that will break him even more"

???? " I like that idea we will be see her soon so goodby for now Takemichi"

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