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"No one found a crush yet? You guys seriously disappointed me." Sophia said as she shook her head at us. I laughed and looked down at the table while also shaking my head but at her. I took a bite of the bun I had just bought from the cafeteria. It's funny how rich this school is but it's not required to have uniforms. That's one of the things I'm most thankful for even though I'm always wearing hoodies and jeans.

"You could fit good with Jeremy." She said to Jasmine, Jasmine shook her head and had the most disgusting expression planted all over her face. I smiled and pulled my phone out to maybe check Instagram or Snapchat. I noticed one notification from Snapchat and clicked into the app and saw that it was Ryder. Of course, it was Ryder.

Creep : hey.

Wow. Not weird that you're texting me hey when you're sitting in the same cafeteria as me while staring into my skin, literally burning holes in me. Should I play hard to get? I am hard to get, what does he expect? I looked to the side and he was still staring at me. I gulped when we got eye contact and awkwardly broke it again.

Me : Hey.

Why was he looking at me like that when his friend was sitting all over him? I hate the popular boys, they think they own the whole world. Especially Milan, I'd do anything to get that prick to shut up. "Alissa? Did you even hear what I said?" Sophia made me snap out of my judging thoughts.

"Sorry. What were you saying?" I asked and tilted my head while looking at her. Sophia started explaining how she was thinking that I would fit with one of the nerds which I didn't understand where she got that from. She's a mysterious girl, she is. But she was true about me never dating someone popular, everything else than that.

"I will consider that," I said. Which I won't but that doesn't matter. "You always say that." She rolled her eyes at me and turned to Jasmine. Jasmine had bigger chances than me, that was for sure. I hate taking chances, it never works on me. I'm not into dating honestly, I know myself and for a fact, I also know that it won't work out.

My phone buzzed again because of the notifications from Snapchat. God, what does he want from me? Is it that hard to leave me alone?

Creep : you look cute today.

Stop. Why did that make me blush? I blush every time someone compliments me no matter who it is telling me it. Exactly, that's my cheap excuse for not wanting to admit what just happened. I kept trying to figure out what to text back. Should I play hard to get again?

Creep : Aw, you look even cuter when you blush.

Me : Shut up.

Creep : Cute.

Me : Jerk.

I turned my phone off and put it down on the table, he was still staring at me and it was annoying the shit out of me. I looked back at him and raised my middle finger for him to see. He chuckled and blew me a kiss.

"Did Ryder just blow you a... kiss?" Jasmine asked as her eyes widened. Fuck, I forget everything about the two of my best friends sitting at the same table as me. I shook my head and furrowed my eyebrows to seem confused.

"No? Why would he do that?" I laughed out nervously. Jasmine and Sophia exchanged a suspicious look and looked right back at me.

"Why do I never see anything happen?!" Sophia complained as she threw her hands up in the air, making me laugh at her. She's so funny without trying to be and that's probably one of the best things about her.

"Well if he didn't blow you a kiss why did you show him that pretty finger?" Jasmine continued asking as she pointed at my middle finger; which pissed me off. Girl, I love you but this is not the time to think that there's something between Ryder and me. Which there isn't. Just to confirm that for the last time.

He's an idiot and I'm amazing. Big difference. I'm out of his league. Not everyone would be able to see that like my big sister or big brother but that doesn't matter! I don't care about them. I don't care about what they say about me. Well, my mirror would say otherwise.

But if my dad could read my thoughts right now, he would be so sad and disappointed to see that those words were affecting me. I'm not dramatic or a drama queen, I don't deserve to hear their cruel words towards me.

"My dad is a total prick. He doesn't care about my brother or me but all about my half-sister. He's out for work for a few days as usual and now my brother has to stress me about the fact that none of us knows what we're supposed to make for dinner." Jasmine sighed and shook her head.

"Just stay at mine, you know my mom makes the best bành cahn." Sophia offered and winked at her. I felt bad for not being able to offer her my house to stay at, we just don't have enough room for it. Does that make me a shitty friend? I feel like one. Sophia also has a younger brother but she's still able to fit Jasmine in. Stop overthinking this, goddamn.

The bell rang. Great.

It was the best time of the day because we were having Mrs. Gomes. History is normally so boring if we were having it with another teacher but she just makes it all so much better. It sucks that she refuses to have kids because I know that she would be one of the greatest mothers out there.

I took a seat and placed my computer on the table in front of me. Mrs. Gomes entered as she always does, her heels echoing through the walls and her hands filled up with assignments or notes.

"Welcome back kids. Open your computers and click on the link that I sent to you. It's about the wars we have been working on for the past few weeks. You better send me the finished assignment on Friday. Not Saturday, Dennis, Friday." She pointed at the boy sitting in the back with his friends, which made me smile.

I did as she said and immediately started doing my work and helped out the other girls as well. I could hear Mrs. Gomes stepping closer to us because of her shoes making the sounds.
"Good work, Alissa. Proud of you as always." She said and patted my head. Nice.

"I spoke to Mrs. Eastwood with the behavior she's been having towards you and I got it fixed. If it continues one of you comes to me, understood?" She asked and we all nodded.

"Good! Now continue making me proud. Also, I love your eyeliner, Jasmine." She patted her head and walked away. We all started quietly laughing at how nice she was to us but also funny at the same time.

"I aspire to be like her when I'm older," I mumbled while shaking my head.


Hello everyone! How are you enjoying this day? I hope it has been treating you well and that it hasn't been too bad.

I love you all so much, thank you for reading! I really appreciate everything that you guys have done for me, including reading this book.

what did you guys think? I personally loved this chapter it was so cute lol. I hope you guys liked it as well! Please remember to vote if you did<3

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