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A whole week with suspension wasn't cool. Most of the time I was spending my time with Jasmine and Sophia, they felt bad for me. I hadn't talked to my father about Hailey again, he said he would take care of it after all.

"Does Jasmine still not know about Ryder?" Sophia whispered in a low tone. Jasmine was at the other side of the playground, she wanted the other swings. "There's nothing to know about Ryder," I answered. Sophia sighed. Speaking of him, I have to tutor him at his place today.

"But there is." She nudged my shoulder with her shoulder. Jasmine slumped down on the bench again and looked confused between the two of us. "What are we talking about?" Jasmine smiled. I cleared my throat quietly.

"Nothing special. Just my suspension." I said.

"Why don't you tell her about that thing with Milan?" Sophia turned to Jasmine with a grin. I raised an eyebrow in curiosity.
"Milan?" I questioned. Jasmine rolled her eyes at me and shook her head.

"It's not what you think. Sometimes we just get eye contact at the hallways." She shrugged. I smiled at both of the girls. I wonder if she likes him or if he likes her. Milan is truly one of the most idiotic boys I know, he's fucking disrespectful.

"Do you like him?" I questioned and winked at her. She instantly shook her head in denial and gagged at my words. "No. Gross!" Jasmine exclaimed. Sophia's eyes stayed on mine, we're thinking the same.

My phone began vibrating in my pocket. I picked it up and read the message out loud in my head.

Dad : come home. We need to talk.

Oh no. What happened now? Did I do something? Did something happen? That message is making everything start rushing through my head. Maybe it's just something irrelevant. I hope.

"We will continue talking about Milan some other time. I have to go, my dad wants me home for some reason." I told them and pulled the both of them in for a hug. They hugged me back. "Okay! Stay safe. Text me when you get home." Sophia said.

"Text me too!" Jasmine eagerly said. I smiled and nodded. I left the playground that wasn't that far away from my house and walked fast. I didn't want to be late; my dad is too impatient. I got my house key ready for the door and unlocked it while stepping in.

I noticed the shoes on the floor. Hailey is here.

They were all sitting in the living room and I was just standing there awkwardly. Hailey, Benjamin, my father, mother. Hailey looks at me like she wants to kill me.

"I told the both of you to come here so we can talk about these issues between you two," Dad said and looked at us.

Two pathetic sisters.

"Hailey, I saw the messages you sent to Alissa, and let me tell you, I will always understand if Alissa doesn't forgive you for that. But you're sisters." He said. So? We're sisters and? It's a shitty excuse for her treating me like shit.

"Dad, I swear I didn't send those messages. I would never! I have tried solving things for so long." That was Hailey's excuse for sending me death threats. Fuck this, fuck them. Benjamin was desperate for me to look over at him, but if I did I would probably break down and it's not the right timing right now.

"Dad, you saw the messages on my phone." I reminded him and he nodded in response.

"Oh please, Alissa! You've always been like this, ever since you were a little girl you were always out for my success. I've been the greatest sister to you, I always have been, you're just acting like an ungrateful bitch." She got up and moved closer to my face while yelling.

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