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I'm starting to lose hair, a lot of hair. I'm pretty sure it's because I haven't been able to eat for a while. Two weeks, maybe? I don't know but I don't care either. Eating is the thing that bothers me the least, I have to think about school right now. I was waiting in line at the cafeteria with Jasmine.

She was the one buying something, not me.
"Why do you never buy lunch?" She suddenly asked. I have to lie about this one, or else she's going to overreact and force me to eat even though I don't feel like it. And I don't want her to worry, she has enough on her plate with her father already.

"I'm just not hungry," I answered and smiled. She nodded and went further into the line. Sophia came running to us and started squealing so loud that I was pretty sure that the whole cafeteria heard.

"I just got asked out." She started jumping up and down. The both of us jumped with her and when she finally stopped, I decided to ask her about it. I wanted some answers after all.
"So? Who asked and what did you answer?"

Sophia looked at me with the biggest smile on her lips. She hasn't talked about any guy before so this was more than surprising for us to hear about. She pulled her small skirt a little down and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Dylan, you guys know who that is, right?" She asked. Jasmine and I nodded. Of course, we know who Dylan is, he's one of the popular athletes. Tall, black hair, pretty sure he's Japanese. Who cares, he asked my best friend out! I'm so happy for her, for them, I should say.

"Right. He said that he wanted to try things out with me and see where it will take us." Sophia continued. Her excitement was too cute, it made the both of us smile like idiots.
"He's so cute." She beamed up with happiness.

Jasmine paid for her food and we started walking toward a table while Sophia continued explaining how things went down between her and Dylan. But then, a guy came from behind and slapped her ass. I gasped. Jasmine gasped. Sophia gasped. We all were in complete shock.

I turned around to see it was Garrett, again, one of the popular athletes. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I stepped closer and yelled in his face. He laughed and leaned down to my height while looking out at the big amount of people staring at us.

"She was asking for it! I mean, have you seen how short—" My fist interrupted his speech as it collided with his jaw. I never thought I was capable of punching someone but I just proved myself wrong. He instantly put his hand on where I had hit and groaned.

"What is fucking wrong with you? She's fucking crazy!" Garret cried out and pointed at me. He deserved another round, so I gave him one. This time he fell to the ground and his nose began bleeding. I went closer to him and I was standing in between his spread legs.

"If you weren't a girl I would have beaten the fucking shit out of you but my momma taught me to respect girls... even if they're whores." He laughed out. What is up with everyone calling me a whore nowadays? I guess we just normalized sexism again.

I leaned down to his seated height and smirked. "Fuck you and your fucking momma." I mocked and kicked right where it hurts. I didn't get time to think, I was getting pulled away, people were yelling, and then I mysteriously made it down to the... basement? Didn't even know we had one.

"Are you fucking crazy? You can get suspended and I know how much of this school shit means to you!" Ryder yelled in my face. I hadn't had time to process that it was him that pulled me away. It sucks that everything goes by so fast.

Suspended. Suspended?

"You punched him twice! Not only that, but they also got it on video!" He continued. This time the panic started kicking itself in. You have to make it seem like you're okay, you got this. "He slapped her ass! And why do you even care anyway?" I rolled my eyes at the boy in front of me.

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