T W E N T Y - F O U R

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I woke up and rubbed my eyes with the back of my hands, and then grabbed my phone from under my pillow. I blinked a few times and responded to my moms 'good morning' message, those she had been sending since the day we got to France.

I slowly sat up and looked down at my chest, seeing how peacefully he was sleeping. Those nights he wasn't able to fall asleep, he always came to our room and we talked about things together, that could ease his anxiety and help him fall asleep. I ran my fingers through his hair, feeling its softness.

It was still early, seven in the morning. I was pretty sure we were supposed to be awake at 8, so I was a bit early. That was fine, I hadn't been able to sleep for longer these past days.

I went through my messages and found a new one, from an unknown number.

Unknown number: I hacked into your Instagram and Snapchat. I know you're dating that Ryan guy, and I'm making sure that mom and dad will know. Just you wait, you won't see his face ever again when you come back.

I sat up and got out of bed, breathing hard.

Stay away from that guy.

That was what dad told me. Fuck.

I unblocked Hailey and left the room, sitting in the hallway and calling her. When she picked it up, my heart began hurting.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Why can't you just let me have one good thing without ruining it? How can you hate your sister this much! I'm done shutting up about this. You're a manipulative and body-shaming bitch, you've never been a real sister to me! You're so fucking selfish and annoying! Not even your husband likes you, talking about how your kids complain about you 24/7! Instead of ruining a literal teenager's life, maybe realize what the fuck is happening around you." I yelled into the phone, not caring if anyone heard me.

I put it on speaker and put the phone down on the floor, holding my knees up to my face while trying to calm myself from all the shaking my anxiety was putting me through.

"No man would listen to you scream like this. He's gonna be tired of you soon, so don't sweat it. I'm only doing you a favor, and stop whining like a little bitch. Be a bit grateful, I was the one changing your diapers if I have to remind you." Hailey answered. I was so angry, so angry that I hung up and blocked her again.

So angry, that I was about to break my phone by throwing it down on the floor. It would take too long to get it repaired, so I just put my phone down and ran a hand through my messy hair.
"Where did you go?" Ryder asked, I looked up to see him standing at the door, slowly closing it behind him.

"It was just my sister," I said and looked away again. He sat down beside me and held my hand. "What did she say this time?"

"That you're gonna be tired of me soon, that I'm whining like a little bitch, something about me having to be grateful for her too. Shit like that." It was so shocking for me, that I couldn't even describe the details because I had forgotten most of them.

He sighed. "Why is she like that to you? She's your sister, it's supposed to be completely different. No wonder everyone hates her."

"I never said that everyone hates her," I said.

"No, but it feels like it. What I'm trying to say is, that this is going to continue for way too long if you don't do something about it." He answered.

"What am I supposed to do? This has been going on forever, and I can deal with it continuing. Don't worry about it." I responded.

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