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I've had a crush on Ryder plenty of times in middle school but I could never do that to myself again. Well funny fact, Jasmine used to like Milan as well and none of that ended well.
"You don't need tutoring. You nailed this assignment." I sighed and gave his computer back. I pushed my hair to the side.

I'm so confused, why would he want a tutor when he isn't struggling with any of the subjects? He's wasting his money on something he doesn't need, what an idiot. Well if I had as much money as his family has, I would probably be spending it at weird things too.
He moved his chair closer to me and sat back.

"I just want this assignment to be perfect. I know it's not exactly getting tutored but it's the best I can get." Ryder whispered, we were too close right now, making my whole body heat up with warmth. I nodded slowly and sat back so we weren't that close anymore. The whole library was too hot and the tension between us disappeared and turned into awkward silence.

"Well. I got it fixed for you so, enjoy." I said and grabbed my jacket. The both of us got up at the same time as he handed me the money. I thanked him and put the money down my jacket pocket while ignoring his gaze. I walked away and grabbed the door handle, until...

"Thank you for doing this. I know how much you hate me and that shit is understandable." Ryder yelled after me. I turned around and furrowed my eyebrows at his words. He wasn't exactly wrong he just worded it completely different than I would have said or explained.

"I don't hate you." I answered his stupid question. He smiled and stepped closer, not close enough to close the distance between us but close. Also enough to make me feel that heat in my body again. It feels nice but also scary, if I could make it stay I probably wouldn't.

"You have just some distasteful things toward me that I can't tolerate." I told him and crossed my arms to seem a bit scarier. He licked his bottom lip and nodded but then opened his mouth to say something.

"I know. But I have a reputation, you know?" Ryder asked me. I frowned at that. He couldn't be serious about that but he really seemed like it, which was the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Just because he's handsome or popular doesn't make up for everything he has done.

Reputation my ass.

"If you have such a 'reputation' why are you here studying with me?" I questioned with a smirk. My question left his mouth hanging open. "Exactly." I added and opened the door. I walked out as the door slammed behind me and made the most dramatic noise that the whole town could probably hear.

I could hear fast footsteps following me from behind. Why did he have to follow me? Don't stop walking, Alissa.

He ran up to my left side and grabbed my arm.
"Alissa." Ryder almost forced me to stop walking as he called out me name.

"Ryder." I answered back with an unreadable face. What was up with him? He's normally so sassy and annoying but I guess someone had a good day.

He sighed and suddenly pulled me in for a hug, squeezing me in his arms. My eyes widened. Ryder pulled away and put his large hands on the both of my cheeks as he took a deep breath.
"I can't stop thinking about you for some reason." He blurted out.

He doesn't seem confident so he's probably not lying. I mean who doesn't think of me? Bad time to be joking, Alissa. I was praying deep down that my face wasn't drowning in a red colour right now. It probably is.

Ryder was desperately waiting for me to say something but I was completely frozen, I wasn't able to move or say anything but I had to force my body and brain to figure something out. My hands were shaking and I don't think I've ever been this anxious because of a boy. I've had plenty of crushes throughout the years but this was a completely different case.

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