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I don't ever think I've been so excited about such a small thing as a date. I walked down the stairs of my apartment excitedly, with the biggest smile on my lips. I knew he was on the other side of the door. I was holding my jacket in my left arm as I pulled my black shirt further down. The thing is, this shirt was very revealing further up my chest. Well, it wasn't that revealing but to me it was. I usually never wear clothes like this.

I walked down the last stair and took a deep breath, then my neighbor opened his door and smiled awkwardly at me. I smiled back and nodded my head slowly. He walked past me and left the apartment as I watched him. I sighed.

I walked out to where the mailboxes were placed and saw him through the glass door and glass windows. He hadn't noticed I was there until I went closer up and opened the door with my sleeve. No bacteria for me. Ryder's eyes lit up when he saw me and grinned.

"You look so goddamn fine." I rolled my eyes because I didn't know what else to do or say. I'm sure he got his answer when my whole face became the worst shade of red.

He wrapped an arm around my waist and turned us around so we were leaving. "Where are we going, M'lady?" Ryder turned his head to look at me and quickly kissed my cheek. We began walking away from my apartment together. I put my arm around his neck.

"I don't want to tell you yet, but we might have to take the bus," I said and pulled his hood down. He pushed my head away with his hand as he put the hood up again.
"You have some nice hair! What's the point of covering it up." I muttered the last part.

"My hair, my choice." He snapped at me. I scoffed and shook my head while he pulled me back to him. While we were walking we had a few small talks together.

"I get jealous. Before you say anything, I'm working on it. I really am and I just want to be a good girlfriend, so..." I sighed and nodded to myself before looking back at him. He didn't say anything he simply just kissed me and then pulled away to say something.

"You can't help getting jealous, it's completely normal. But seriously, there's no reason to be. I want you and you only." He said. I put my head down on his shoulder and took a deep breath and then exhaled. The bus came after a few minutes and we got on as we took a seat beside each other.

This time, he laid his head on my shoulder instead. "I don't want you to eat because of me. I want you to eat for yourself, this isn't about me, it's about you. It has always been." Ryder told me. That made me completely silent, because who was I doing this for? Was it really for me or was it just something I told myself?

"I know. Thank you." I answered and shot him a smile. He smiled and then looked away again. I got my phone out and looked at the message that popped up on my phone. It was Hailey, I had forgotten about her because of how long ago we last spoke.

Hailey : I'm sorry I was such a bad sister. I regret everything, I love you with everything I have and just want to protect you. I didn't know I was body shaming, I just wanted to help you out. Did mom and dad ever tell you? I told them to name you Alissa but instead of Alyssa. I loved how different it was. I love how different you are. Forgive me.

Ryder rose from my shoulder and looked down at my screen. "The evil sister?" He asked me and I nodded. He took the phone out of my hands and began reading the message.

"You know she's manipulating you, right? She's tricking you into thinking that she's sorry and then she brings sensitive moments up that you don't even remember to make it seem like she means it. Fuck her over, Alissa." He explained.

"It's my sister—"

"She didn't care when she put you in a state where you didn't even want to eat. That's not fair, don't forgive her when she wouldn't have done the same." He's so poetic in the way he talks, well I think so. It makes him so much more beautiful than he already is. I looked up at the location on the bus screen.

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