T W E N T Y - F I V E

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I looked up at the sky and took a deep breath. I looked to my side and saw how exhausted Ryder looked, we had been at a church with the others earlier and it took hours. The priest or whoever she was, was very grumpy and complained about us to Mrs. Dunn.

"We should do a double date sometime, us and Milan and Jasmine," I suggested with a smile, feeling bad for leaving Sophia out of it.

"He's so pussy-whipped. I'm sorry but they're not gonna end up together." Ryder said and laid closer next to me, brushing his hand up against mine. I sat up on my elbows and raised an eyebrow.

"Why not?" I asked and grabbed his hand, putting it up to my mouth and kissing his knuckles.

"Milan doesn't know how to treat girls well. He treats her like shit and doesn't apologize, then automatically assumes she's gonna come running back. Jasmine deserves better, and trust me she will know it soon enough too."

"Oh wow. I never thought I would hear you talk about your best friend like that." I told him.

"I hate to fucking say it because I care for Milan so much, but if he wants Jasmine he needs to change. We both know he won't, so he might as well stop playing with her." He explained. I knew he was right so I stayed quiet.

"Okay, I won your silence. That's just great." Ryder laughed and took his phone, looking at his screen and not letting me see.

"I need new wallpaper. We can go to the Eiffel Tower to get some pictures taken, hm?" He asked and I nodded, getting up with him. I put me around his back, his arm making it around my neck.

It was a quick trip down there, and it was just like it had been the day before.
"What do we do for the pictures?" I asked and looked around at all the other people.

Ryder looked up at the Eiffel Tower and back down at me, pulling me in for a kiss. I was taken aback when he pulled away again, then shoved his phone in my face. I grabbed it and looked through the picture he took and smiled.

"Send me that one, I want that as my wallpaper," I demanded and kissed his cheek quickly. He smiled and then nodded, I looked around and took a few deep breaths.

"Right. Let's take one more." Ryder said and suddenly walked away from me. My eyebrows furrowed when I saw him walk over to two French people, a girl, and a boy, talking to them. The girl rolled her eyes at him and the boy nodded and took Ryder's phone.

Ryder walked back over to me and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me tight to him. I laughed quietly and could hear the sound of his phone taking the picture.

The French guy gave his phone back and smiled. "You were lucky he didn't steal your phone," I said and shook my head.

"You got to have more faith in me. The pictures turned out pretty cool, don't you think?" He asked and turned his phone for me to see, as he slowly scrolled when I was done looking at one of them.
"I do have faith in you, and yeah the pictures are really impressive," I said and smiled.

"Let's go and check more of the city out now." Ryder put his arm around my waist and lead us away from the Eiffel Tower. I had no idea where he was bringing us, but it was really fucking beautiful. We walked through the city together, holding each other's hands.

"I'm so happy you got the allowance from your parents. I don't think I would've survived this trip without you. You make everything so much better."

My heart swelled, in a good way of course. I put my arms around his side and hugged him, forcing myself closer to him than before.

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