T W E N T Y - O N E

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My head felt like it was banging when we got out of the airplane and my ears felt like they were filled up with water for some reason. We hadn't seen that much of France but it was already so beautiful, but there were some issues with our luggage in the airport. It took us quite some time to get our things and we were late to the place we were staying. It was some kind of hotel? For the schools staying there or some shit. I didn't understand what it all was on about, but Mrs. Dunn told me that we were gonna share rooms and sleep on bunk beds.

I was hoping that they had put me in the same room as Sophia and Jasmine, I don't know what I would do if I didn't. The teachers told us that we had to ride on a subway to the town we had to get to. Everything looked so exciting, and in my left hand I was holding Jasmine's hand, and in my right hand, I was holding Sophia's. I was a bit nervous and I think it was easy to tell. "Kids! This way!" Mrs. Gomes yelled. We all stepped down on the escalator as it went down on its own.

That's how we got to the train station and had to wait there. "I saw a coffee shop around here, I'm gonna go buy one and I'll be right back." Mrs. Eastwood said and the other teachers nodded as she walked away from us. We were just waiting for her and the train now, which was completely fine. But when we had been waiting for over twenty minutes, people began getting a bit impatient. When I say people, I mean everyone. Even me and the girls.

"Is she gonna be here or not?" Milan complained to Mrs. Gomes. We all looked over at him and I looked at Jasmine who had the biggest smile on her lips. She's so in love with him that it's almost sad, I can't even tell if she's ignoring him or just acting like she isn't. "She's gonna be here soon. Stop being impatient." Mrs. Gomes answered sassily. It was easy to tell that Mrs. Gomes was very stressed as well.

Milan rolled his eyes at her and shook his head at the teachers. After too many minutes went by, everyone was getting a bit impatient. The popular stoner group the most, Milan and this other guy, Makai, kept arguing with the teachers about it. They kept saying that it was a waste of their time and that they would take the next train arriving if she didn't show up until then. It was true chaos. Everyone was yelling and complaining.

No one but Mrs. Gomes and Mrs. Dunn tried to defend themselves, Mr. Benson just stood there and watched. Classic math teacher thing to do.

"What the fuck is going on," I whispered to Sophia to my right side, but Jasmine heard it and nodded. None of us knew what was happening. A train stopped behind were Milan and the teachers were standing, making Jasmine grab my hand out of anxiety.
"That's our train. Because of that bitch I'm not running late for anything." He yelled and stepped into the train, the doors still being open.

"Milan get out of there!" All the teachers yelled at him. Makai joined in on the trouble and stepped into the train entrance as well.

"Milan and Makai, get out of there right now before I put you on a plane right back to your parents!" Mrs. Gomes screamed at them, trying to grab them and pull them out. Do you think that was the only issue? No, the real trouble began when the train doors automatically closed and the train began driving away. It went completely quiet. Most of the people were in shock, others just decided not to say anything.

"That's your fault and responsibility, Mrs. Gomes." One of the boys, Omar, said. Mrs. Gomes turned to him with furious eyes.
"That is not my fault! They did it themselves! It was their fault the second they stepped on that train! I didn't tell them to!" She yelled at him.

Omar took a step back with widened eyes and answered with, "damn, calm down."

And Ryder laughed very loudly at the whole situation. Mrs. Gomes grabbed her phone and started calling someone, with no idea who. And Ryder and the other boys called Milan and Makai, as they talked with them over the phone. Mrs. Eastwood slowly walked over to us with a coffee in her hand while pulling her sunglasses up from her nose to her head.

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