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I got out of the airport and hugged Sophia and Jasmine goodbye. "Thank you guys for making this trip as good as it came out," I said.

"Thank you for being such a sweetheart," Sophia answered and hugged me again.

"Yeah and thank you for being the best friend too," Jasmine added to Sophia's sentence. I laughed and hugged both of them at the same time. We felt even closer than before.

"I'll have to keep going, my dad gets so impatient." I sighed and pulled away from them. Sophia laughed and Jasmine nodded her head.
"Mine too, he acts like he has anything else to do," Jasmine told me. I laughed.

"Have a nice trip home, you deserve it more than anyone else," Jasmine whispered to me. I forced a smile because I could feel tears prickling in my eyes.
They were being too sweet, and I couldn't believe I was getting this much support.

"Now go, go!" Sophia demanded, gently pushing me away. I smiled but rolled my eyes, and kept moving. It was a very big parking lot, so I didn't know where to look at. I noticed a blue car, but it was too small to be ours.

I continued looking around to find my mom or dad, or even just our car. I took my phone out of my jacket pocket and checked to see if any of them texted me or called. There was nothing, not even my dad spamming me. I felt a hand on my shoulder, so I slowly turned around. A big smile showed on my lips.

"I've missed you so much," I said and groaned when he hugged me tightly. I wasn't able to breathe, but the moment was too cute to ruin.

"You're back," Ben told himself like he was in shock. I smiled as he slowly let go of me, but I hugged him again.

"I'm back," I repeated after him. Benjamin nodded his head and held me tightly. He was the sweetest brother I could ever ask for.

"I'll take you to our car before dad gets mad at me for being too slow," Benjamin exclaimed and rolled his eyes at his own words. I nodded my head and he took my hand, leading me to my mom and dad standing in front of their car.

I let go of my brother's hand and gave my dad a big hug. I had missed him so much. I missed them. I moved to the next one, that was my mom. She held me for a very long time.

"You're finally back. It's been a while." Dad laughed out, I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"It's been a week, dad," I answered with a small laugh. Mom laughed with me and put her hand on my back. I didn't let go of my mom until she backed away from me.
"Let's drive home." She said and got in.

I sat in the back with my brother, and I was grateful that dad hadn't brought anything up to about Ryder after Hailey threatened with doing so. Maybe he would want to talk with me about it later, which scared me even more. I still needed to talk with him about the Hailey and eating situation, and I had no idea how I was supposed to. It's too hard to figure out.

I fell asleep in the car due to the lack of sleep I had gotten from the flight. It was too difficult to sleep and there were too many noises and distractions, especially because I was right next to Ryder.

When I woke up and returned to our apartment, we got my suitcase up the stairs and to the bedroom, I shared with Benjamin. The suitcase was placed on my bed, and I started unpacking my things.

"Do you need help with unpacking?" Dad asked, he was standing in the doorway. I looked at the clothes and souvenirs I had left and nodded my head.
"Yes, please. Can you close the door behind you? I want to talk about something with you."

Dad nodded and entered my room, closing the door behind him and joining in on the suitcase.

"I don't want you to get mad or sad, this isn't easy for me either," I said and sighed. Dad nodded and waited for me to go on.

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