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Friday, finally Friday. This day could cure any teenagers depression. Or maybe not. Today I planned on going back home, even though I didn't feel like it. I felt guilty and that was enough for me to go back. I opened my locker and looked through whatever I had in there, I was hoping that I could find some money for the cafeteria. But I didn't have a single penny in there. I slammed my locker in anger as I put my forehead against it, catching my own breath.

"Does Hamlet really love Ophelia?" Ryder asked, I looked to the side and saw him standing there, right next to my locker.
"Well... would you love someone if they murdered your father?" I questioned.

"You can't control love, even if the person is a bad person." He almost interrupted me. I raised and eyebrow and crossed my arms. His hood was up again, not surprising.
"Maybe you should write that in the essay." I suggested and walked past him.

"Ryder! Bro get over here!" One of the boys yelled. I licked my bottom lip and looked over at the guy yelling it to him.
"Coming!" Ryder yelled back.

"Ophelia betrayed him anyway." I answered and walked away. Ryder looked at me like he was questioning something. Or did I have anything on my face? I hope not. He finally looked away and walked back to his friends. I saw Benjamin down the hallway, he saw me too. He walked over to me with a concerned face.

"When are you coming home?" He asked me. I sighed and looked down at ground to avoid eye contact. My brother sighed as well.
"You're coming home, right?" He continued.

"Of course I am, I'll be home today." I answered his question. He nodded and then pulled me in for a hug. I missed this little shit so much. I hugged him back and smiled by the nice feeling of the usual support I get from him.

"Get to class, and don't skip your classes!" I pulled away and pushed his shoulder. He rolled his eyes and threw his middle finger up for me to see while walking away. Hopefully to class. I sighed and reunited with Sophia, we were going to history class together.

Thankfully, our history teacher is Mrs. Gomes, she's truly amazing at her job. I sat down on one of the chairs in the classroom, right next to Sophia. I pulled the chair closer to the table and the whole class was just watching her connecting her computer to the projector.

"Do we have any homework?" Sophia whispered in a worried tone. I tried remembering back to last week, where we had her as well. But I don't remember a single thing about the homework. Or if there even was any homework.

"I'm not sure but I don't think so." I whispered back as Mrs. Gomes waited for silence up at the teachers desk. She crossed her arms as she waited for the boys to shut the fuck up, which took a long time.

"Have you made the homework that was set for today?" Mrs. Gomes asked the big crowd in front of her, everyone looked around at each other in a confused way. A 'did we have homework?' kind of way. The smart kid put her hand up in the air.

"Susan? You did the homework?" She asked her. Susan instantly nodded and put her hands on her table. I scoffed at her trying to show off. Oh look at me! I'm a fucking nerd. Don't laugh, Alissa. Don't laugh.

"No one else but Susan did the homework?" Mrs. Gomes asked but no one answered, which clearly meant no. I don't remember anything about any homework. Maybe it was just me that was dumb and don't remember.

"It's impossible that she made the homework." Mrs. Gomes pointed at Susan, as Susan furrowed her eyebrows at the teacher.
"I never gave you homework!" She laughed out. She really got me there though. I always do the homework so that one minute made me so nervous.

Fifteen minutes after we got homework, but it was fine. I knew I was able to do it with Sophia in my group. It was easy enough, not much to worry about. I was able to finish it in that class. I loved it when I succeeded in making the homework without having to do it at home. It was the best feeling ever.

When the class was done, I sent it to her and closed my computer while walking out of the class with my computer in my hand and Sophia in the other.

"How's the group with Ryder and Milan in English? Sounds like an nightmare." Sophia laughed out. I laughed with her and smiled.

"Yeah, it is a true nightmare. But it could be worse, you know?" I asked, Sophia nodded her head as a yes. I smiled and opened my locker while putting my computer down in my backpack, then locking the locker again. Together we walked to the cafeteria to meet Jasmine.

She already claimed a table for us, which was nice but I didn't want to eat in front of everyone. I guess the comments really had some kind of affection on me. Of course it did, it always does. Sometimes I wonder if what they say is true. I could be arguing with my mirror about it at the middle of the night.

"Why aren't you eating? Did you run out of money again?" Jasmine asked me. I shook my head and forced a big smile so it would look assuring. She raised and eyebrow and ate some of the pasta that she had bought from the cafeteria.

"I'm not hungry right now." That was my excuse which I had never used before so they had to believe it somehow. Sophia looked at me suspiciously and then raised an eyebrow.
"You sure about that?" She asked me, I nodded. I didn't want to be in the cafeteria after that little conversation, so I decided to leave.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom, I'll be back quickly!" I said and patted Sophia's shoulder twice. I wasn't going to the bathroom, I wanted to go and give someone a visit. I walked out of the cafeteria without giving them a chance to question why I was leaving.

I went to one of the classrooms where I knew that my old English teacher was. Mrs. Dunn always had so much faith in me. See the thing is, I used to write many stories before. She knew that and wanted to get me published so she reached out to a few publishers but it didn't become anything, so I stopped writing.

It's ridiculous, I know. But no matter what, I still want to talk with her and ask how her new class is. Even though I knew that an amazing teacher like her would ask how I was doing as well. How was I doing? I don't think I'm aware of that. I walked into the classroom and saw her sitting at her desk while eating some salad.

"Alissa! What are you doing here? Do you need any help?" Mrs. Dunn questioned all at once, covering her mouth up with her hand so I wasn't able to see the food. I sat down on one of the chairs and shrugged.

"I don't exactly need help. I just wanted to see you." I answered and smiled. She nodded her head and smiled as well.
"That's good, I'm glad you stopped by." Mrs. Dunn said. I nodded and looked down at the table.

"Well! Are you still writing?" She asked me. I sighed and shook my head as a no. Her smile slowly faded as she looked at me like she didn't believe me. I hated to bring the bad news but if I tell her that I continued after I got rejected, she would try publishing them again which won't work.

"Alissa..." She sighed and tilted her head.

"I got a bad writers block and stopped. Good things always come to an end." I said. Like I was some kind of fucking poet even though I wasn't even close to that. It's nice to have a hobby but not everything works out like we want it to, and that's okay. I don't have to become an author, it was never my dream anyway.

"Mrs. Dunn! There's a fight in the hallway!" A boy came into the classroom we were sitting in and yelled. Mrs. Dunn instantly got up and walked out of the classroom, I wanted to see what was going on so I just followed. Everyone was around the two of the boys, yelling, cheering, even recording.

The boy on top was Ryder, the boy under him was one of the jocks. I almost felt bad for the jock, Ryder was almost killing him. He didn't really seem like the person to do such things like beating other people up but you never know.

Mrs. Dunn pulled Ryder away from him, even though it was a tough try, she did it.
"Ryder, go up to the principals office now!" She yelled at him and helped the jock up. Ryder scoffed and got up while walking away, his eyes on mine. I forced my gaze away and looked at the jock who looked like he was about to die.


Hii! What do we think of this chapter? I hope you enjoyed it! Thank you for reading and please remember to vote if you liked today's chapter, it means so much to me if you do <3

I hope your day was great, please remember to take care of yourself and stay safe, the world we live in is pretty messed up and I love you guys too much!

Sincerely, Ashley<3

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