Chapter Three

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It's my first full day at work and I'm so nervous. I get ready and put on jeans and a tank top. After fixing my hair and make up, I head over to the bar. I walk up to the bar and say hi to Amber.

"Hey there!"

"Hey girl, are you ready for your first night?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

"Hey Daisy!" Jim says as he walks up to us. "So I am going to start you off in the VIP lounge. It's a lot smaller and fewer people. I don't want to overwhelm you on the first day."

"Thank you."

"Amber, show her where the lockers are and get her what she needs."

"Alright boss, let's go Daisy. Let's get you started."

She takes me in the back and shows me my locker. Then off to the storage room to get my apron. We head back out to the front and Amber gives me a shot for confidence she tells me. I put on my apron and I head up to the VIP area. There are just a few people there as I get started and the customers so far are very nice. The evening goes on and I am getting the hang of it. Before I knew it, it was last call and soon the bar was closing. I was sitting and counting out my tips and couldn't believe what I had made. My tips were pretty good and I was happy. I would be able to save enough quickly to get an apartment and get away from the hotel.

"So how was your first night?" Jack asks as he sits across from me.

"It was actually pretty good. I really liked it. Thank you."

"Well, the nights will only get busier from here. I will keep you in the VIP section for now. I think after a week or so, I think you should be able to handle the floor too." I hear Jim say behind me.

"Thanks guys, see you tomorrow." I grab my things and head back to my room. Stashing away my tips I take a shower and then crawl into bed.

Jack's POV

"So what do you think of the new girl?"

"I think she will be great. She is very shy though. I hope with experience she will open up." Jim says

"There is something about her. She seems like a wounded tiger. I see a fierce girl there but something is keeping her caged." Amber says as she sits down next to us.

"Let's get this place cleaned up so we can get out of here." I mutter as I get up to finish cleaning up before we leave.

Daisy's POV

The week had flown by and it was now Saturday evening. This was a huge night for the Crystal Palace so I thought I would wear something cute.

I wanted to be comfortable since I knew that tonight was going to be crazy. I finish getting ready and head into work. I am greeted by Amber as I head back to put my things away in my locker and head back out.

"You are so lucky to have VIP. You will get to hang out with the whole band."


"Smash, they will be there tonight since they are performing. All that hotness in one room. Oh my god!"

She starts fanning herself and I just have to laugh. The evening starts slow but around Nine o'clock it starts filling up and I am running like crazy. I see one table with a velvet cord wrapped around the area and I wonder if that is where the band will be. As I head back to the bar with the orders I see them setting up the stage. I get a glimpse of a handsome man bringing a guitar and setting it down. He stops for a second and slowly turns to look towards me and our eyes lock. It is the same man that helped me in the grocery store. His eyes are captivating. I quickly pull away and run to the bar to get my orders.

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