Chapter Forty Seven

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Daisy's POV

I am woken up by a flurry of blonde hair and squeals as Amber rushes into my room and jumps on my bed.

"Wake up! Wake up! It's your wedding day!"
"Uggh, why are you so chipper this morning?"

"Your husband to be has planned a whole morning for us. Now get up and let's go!"

She hands me a card and I sit up to look at it. I can't help but smile when I read it.

Note- My wife to be. I have planned the morning for you and Amber. You will be taken to the spa for a bit of pampering. Today is the day and I want you to be stress free. Everything will be taken care of. Don't worry about a thing and I will see you at the end of the aisle. Relax today, you deserve it and more. Love you, Dustin.

I can't help the tears that fall and I quickly get up and get dressed. I follow Amber out to the waiting limo and we head off to the spa. Her little girl is with her parents. They gladly took her so that she and Elijah could enjoy the weekend with us. As soon as we arrive, we go inside and are greeted by two women who show us back to the dressing rooms where she instructs us to undress and put on the robes and we head to another room where we were given full body massages. After that was done we were taken to have our nails, hair and makeup done. It definitely was a relaxing morning. Around lunch time we head back to the house and there is lunch set up for us. He really has thought of everything. It is a light lunch with sandwiches.

"Alright girl, we got to get you into your dress and to the bar. Are you nervous at all?" she asked as we headed up to my room.

"No, I just can't wait to see him. I'm ready to say our do's and spend the rest of our lives together."
"Then let's get you ready girl."
I still can't believe that this day has finally arrived. I get to marry the love of my life, my soul mate. Amber pulls out my dress and I can feel a tear threaten to fall. I just think of where I was a year ago. Running away from a life that almost took my own. I am so glad that I ran into Amber that day, if I hadn't I would have never met Dustin, my knight in shining leather. Once Amber has put on her dress, she helps me into mine. Soon we are heading down the stairs to the waiting limo and headed to my future.

"You look absolutely beautiful, bestie. You are going to knock his socks off."

We talk all the way to the venue and the limo pulls up around back so no one can see me. When it stops the door opens and my brother stands there with his hand outstretched for me to take.

 When it stops the door opens and my brother stands there with his hand outstretched for me to take

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"Wow, you are stunning, Daisy. Dustin is going to be floored. He is a nervous wreck. Let's get you to your man."

He gives me a hug and then holds his elbow out for me to take. We walk into the building and walk into one of the rooms in the back. There is a couch and on the table are mine and Amber's flowers. They are absolutely beautiful, filled with Lilies and daisies. I sit down for a bit and there is a knock at the door. Colin opens the door and my father rolls in. Tears begin to fall as he comes over to me.

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