Chapter Thirty One

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I wake up and Dustin is still wrapped tightly around me. His arm is heavy and I try to wiggle my way out of his grasp to run to the bathroom. I am almost free when he groans and pulls me back into him as he nuzzles into my neck.

"Where do you think you are going?"

"Dustin, please. I have to pee."

"Alright, but hurry back. I'm not ready to be up yet."
He raises his arms and I quickly head to the bathroom to do my business. When I am through I wash my hands and quickly brush my teeth before heading back and climbing into his arms again.

"Good morning, doll. Did you sleep well after you got back to sleep?"

"I did. Thank you for taking care of me, and I'm sorry I hit you."

"I told you there was nothing to be sorry about. Your night terrors are not your fault, so don't worry about it."

I can't help but be guilty as I reach up and softly caress his slight bruise. He winces a little but moves into my touch as he closes his eyes. He leans in and softly kisses my lips as his hand slides up and down my side. His kisses begin to get deeper and as he goes for my neck his phone rings.

"Babe, you phone."

"Let it ring, I have more important things to do."

It rings a few more times and stops. His hand slides under my top and caresses my breast.


"You are so beautiful, doll."

His phone begins to ring again as his hand begins to slide under my waist band as his fingers slide through my wetness.

"Babe, mmm, your.... Phone... It might be important."

"Nothing more important than loving my girl."

"Aaah, babe, please. They won't stop."

"Ugggh, Damn it! Well it better be important to interrupt this." He turns over and angrily answers his phone.


"Well, good morning to you too." I hear Jack's voice through the phone.

"You're interrupting, what do you want?"

"Sorry, but we are all meeting in the restaurant for breakfast and then heading out for the day. You have an hour."

"Yeah, yeah, dad. We will be there." He hung up his phone and curled back into me, nuzzling into my neck.

"What did he want?"

"We are all meeting down at the restaurant for breakfast and then heading out for the day."

"We better get up then."

"Can't we just stay here in bed all day?"
"No, we said we would hang out today, and I want to see the aquarium." I look at him and pout with my lower lip stuck out.

"Okay, okay, let's get moving. You know that lip gets me. I hate to see you sad. Now go get in the shower. I'll take one after you."

"You aren't coming with me?"

"Doll, if I go in the shower with you, we definitely will be late."
"Hahaha, alright see you in a bit."

I head into the shower and get ready for the morning. As I head out in my towel he walks over to me and I hear a quiet little growl. He kisses my cheek as he heads into the bathroom to take his shower. I have gotten dressed and am putting my makeup on when he comes up behind me and kisses my neck. I look back and he is wrapped in a towel slung low on his hips. I can't help but lick my lips and look over his chiseled chest and abs. He smirks as he looks at me.

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