Chapter Thirty Three

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Dustin's POV

It's been several weeks since Daisy was attacked backstage. We all have been trying to keep her distracted as we travel from show to show. Her night terrors were really bad for several days after. There were several times that she hit me in her sleep and she still feels really bad. I try to reassure her that it's not her fault. We finished our show here in New York and we fly out in the morning to Virginia for the trial to begin in two days, then our final concert is on Saturday. This tour has been amazing, and I absolutely loved it, but I am ready to get back home and spend some quality time with my girl. I am sure that she will be glad that all of the trial will be finished and I hope for her to win this and Scott be put away for good. Our flight leaves in a couple hours and we are packing our things getting ready to go.

"Colin will be here in a few minutes. Have you gotten everything?"

"Yes, I am packing up my toiletries now."

I can hear the stress in her voice, and quickly walk over to her and pull her against me, as I stroke her hair.

"Talk to me doll, what's going on in that pretty little head of yours?"

"I'm just scared that he will send someone else and it will never stop. I worry that he will be able to pull it off and he will go free and then come after me."

"I know there is no way of knowing what will happen, but I will do my best to keep you safe and our lawyer says that he has everything to put him away for a very long time."
We stand there for a few minutes as I feel her melt into me, and I feel her relax. Soon I hear a knock at the door and I kiss her forehead and go to open it as she goes back to packing. As I open it, everyone piles in.

"We all just came to wish you luck. We will all be there in spirit." Jack says.

"We all wish we could be there for you." Sam says as he hugs Daisy tight.

"We will be there to celebrate with you." Elijah speaks as he waits to give her a hug also.

"Thanks guys, I appreciate it. I know you all would be there if you could. I'm not looking forward to being face to face with him again, but I hope it will be the last time he will see daylight."
"He's going away for a long time." Amber utters as she walks into the room.

"The car is out front and here are your tickets. There will be a car and driver at the airport and will take you to the hotel. You all be careful and good luck. We will see you in a few days." Jason says as he hands me the plane tickets and all the information we will need for transportation and the hotel.

"Time to leave guys, our flight leaves in two hours." Colin declares as he comes in to grab our bags.

"Got it man, you all packed doll?"

"Yeah, I've got everything. Let's go."

"See you guys in a few days. You got this girl." Steve adds as we walk out and down the hall.

Colin follows behind with the rest of the bags and we head down to the waiting car. After putting the bags in the back we all climb in and we are headed off to the airport. I can sense the nervousness in Daisy again and I look over at her and she is chewing on her nails. I reach over and grab her hand and pull it away from her mouth and she turns to look at me.

"Doll, what is the matter?"

"This is only the second time I have flown, and we know how that trip turned out. Now we are headed back to the same place."

"Sweetheart, we will be fine. This trip is different and you will soon be free from him."

"I thought I could handle it, but the closer we get the worse my anxiety gets."

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