Chapter Twenty Three

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Daisy's POV

It seemed like an eternity in that car. There was plenty of room to stretch out, but Dustin still couldn't get comfortable, constantly trying to shift positions. He nodded off for a bit after I made him take some pain medicine so he could get some rest. We had finally made it to the club and as we pulled up to the front I noticed there were no cars in the parking lot except for a few cars parked in the employee spots. It was kinda strange even for a weekday. The driver pulled up to the front and we all started to get out. Colin came around and helped Dustin get out and settled on his crutches. We all started to head inside and were greeted by Jim as we walked inside.

"Hey guys, so glad that you're back. Glad you're okay Dustin. They are all in your usual VIP spot. Head on over."

"Thanks Jim." I say as we all slowly walk over with Dustin as he hobbles on his crutches. Eventually we make it over to our spot and pull back the curtain. Everyone is inside and we see a huge banner that says Welcome home.

"Surprise!" They all yell at the same time. All our friends are there and several people from the record company that I didn't know. Everyone was happy to see us and we were glad to be home.

"So, I didn't think you wanted to discuss band business at the bar." Dustin chuckles.

"Yeah sorry, it was all I could think of to get you here. They do want to discuss new material though. They will give you time to rest though, so probably a week." Jason says with a chuckle. It was nice to be back with everyone, but I was ready to get back home and take care of my man. We had been at the club for a couple hours and I could see the exhaustion setting in with Dustin. I walk over to where he is sitting talking with the guys, to check on him.

"Hey baby, you look tired. Do you want to go home?"

"You know, actually, I am. I hate to be a party pooper, but I would like to go home and cuddle with my woman and sleep in my own bed."

"No problem, man. Go home and rest. Jack says as he pats Dustin's shoulder.

"Thanks guys for all this. We will see you later."

Colin helps him up and steady on his crutches and we head out to Dustin's house. Once we get there, we all head inside and Dustin shows Colin and Steve to the guest rooms as he carefully hobbles up the stairs to his room. I help him sit down on the bed as I help him undress. Pulling back the covers, he climbs under them again with my help. I climb in on the other side of the bed and curl up on his chest careful not to bump his wounds.

"I love you doll."

"I love you too."

Not long after I hear his soft breathing and know that he is sound asleep. I lay there for a while listening to his heartbeat, so happy that I am still able to hear it. It slowly lulls me to sleep.


The next morning I was awoken by banging. It startles me awake and I wonder why no one else has heard this. I quickly get up and throw my robe on and run downstairs. I hear it again and realize someone is banging on the front door. I quickly go to open the door and see Tasha stand in front of me with a crazed look on her face.

"Where is he?!"

"Where is who?"

"Dustin, my boyfriend! What have you done to him?"

"He is resting. He doesn't want to see you. He is not your boyfriend. You should leave!"

"I am not leaving, until I see what you have done!" She says as she pushes past me and runs up the stairs. I try to run after her as I see Colin and Steve come out of their rooms.

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