Chapter Thirty

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Dustin's POV

I reach over to turn off the alarm as I pull myself out of bed. I turn to look at my sleeping woman. She looks like an angel as she sleeps with her hair fanning out around her. I lean over and kiss her cheek as she begins to wake up. Her eyes flutter as she stretches her arms above her. And her eyes lock on to mine. Those beautiful blue eyes that I get lost in every time. Just as I lean in to kiss those soft lips, my phone goes off and I look at the caller ID and pick it up.

"Hello, Mr. Jackson. Have a good trip?"

"Please, call me Max and yes I did. So when can we meet to discuss the case?"
"Give us about thirty minutes and we will meet you in the hotel restaurant?"

"Sounds great, see you then."
As I hang up I feel two small arms wrap around my waist and lips pressed against my back.

"Was that the lawyer?"

"Yes, and we need to meet him in about thirty minutes."

"Alright, then we can meet up with the crew."
We both head into the bedroom and get ready to go. Once we are ready we head down to the restaurant, and as we walk in, I see Max waving us over. We head over to his table and sit down. He stands up to shake our hands as we sit.

"Nice to finally meet you in person. This has been a long hard journey, but it will all be over soon and he will be out of your life."

"Nice to meet you too, and I hope so." She says she sits down.

"So what are we looking at?" I ask.

"Well, with everything we have on him, he is looking at life in prison, without the possibility of parole. We have gotten all the girls that have come forward to testify. We also have some of his men that have turned over. I will warn you, when you are on the stand, they will come after your character and they will try to discredit you. It will be tough. You can opt to not take the stand, but I think we will have a better chance if you do."
I feel her body start to shake as he talks about what will go on in the trial and that he wants her to testify. I know she is afraid to face Scott, but she wants this to be over. I reach over and squeeze her thigh, trying to console her, and I feel her hand on top of mine as she squeezes it. I wish I could do all this for her so she never has to face him again, but I know she has to do this for closure. She has become a strong woman even though she doesn't see it. I am so proud of her. We sit and talk for a while going over the case and when the trial will be. It starts that Monday before our concert. We will have to fly out that Sunday to be there for the trial. We don't know how long it will last. Virginia is our last stop before we come home. We have a couple weeks before then. Once we are finished I offer for him to come to the concert. He gives us all information and where to meet that Monday morning and we say our goodbyes. As we get up we see the rest of the crew come in for dinner. We walked over to them as they were seated and sat with them.

"Hey guys, so how did things go?" Jack asks.

"Surprisingly well, he said they have a lot of evidence and witnesses to put him away for good."

"That's awesome!" Sam adds.

"It's almost over Daisy and you can finally live your life free of him." Amber wraps her arm around Daisy in a side hug.

"I know, but the trial scares me. Being in front of all those people and having to tell them what he did."

"Just remember why you are doing this. He is a monster and needs to be put away." Elijah says, trying to comfort her.

"I know, but the whole thing makes me sick."

"So how long is he looking at?" Sam asks.

"Life without parole." Daisy whispers.

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