My princess (Stan)

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Stan x Cinderella!reader

Y/n's POV

I worked all day, and night ever since my father died, and my stepmom, and stepsisters have been very cruel to me. I never had anyone say thank you after I do something for them. Bebe (older stepsister) shoved me down on the floor, for not doing her hair right. Wendy also smacked me for fucking up her dress. God they are such spoiled brat's. One day they are gonna regret what they did. It's 3 in the afternoon, and I thought it was 8 O'Clock. Stepmom gets letters from the kingdom saying that all girls are invited to the ball.

"Momma, can I come to the ball can I please?" I said excitedly.

"Why (y/n)? Why? Your filthy, and look like you came out of a chimney." Bebe said.

"She can come, if she can get the chores done, and find a dress by 9." Mom said.

"Thank you so much!" I said hugging her.

"Now get to work." Mom said.

"Yes mam." I said getting to work.

*time skip till an hour before the dance*

I worked, and worked extra hard. I cleaned the floor, helped Wendy and Bebe's get their dresses. I even made my own dress. They were ready to leave but I stopped them and told them to wait for me. "Hey, I'm ready, the chores are done can I come to the dance?" I said.

"Hmm, well this dress looks lovely. What do you think ladies?" Mom said.

I used Wendy's jewels, and Bebe's fabric. Bebe and Wendy were very angry seeing me in their stuff.

"You bitch! You stole my fabric and Wendy's jewels!" Bebe screamed.

They start to tear up my dress, and jewels. I was sobbing. "why?" I cried. But they left the house, I ran to the backyard crying on my mom's grave.

"Don't cry my child." A voice said.

"Who are you?" I said.

"Your godfather. Duh! No I'm Kenny." He said.

"Why are you here?" I asked

"Y/n I'm here for you to get to the dance." Kenny said


"Here y/n!" He uses his magic to make me float.

I had my (h/c) hair all done, my rag dress was turned into a long beautiful f/c dress. My shoes were soft slippers. Cartman, Kyle, Craig are mice, and now turned into horses. A pumpkin was turned into a carriage. I was speechless when Kenny did all of this in a blink of an eye!

"Thank you so much Kenny!" I said.

"Your welcome. Be back home by midnight ok?" He said fading away.

*time skip to the ball*

I walk in, and see my stepsisters talking and flirting with the raven hair boy named prince Stan. Boy they suck at talking to boy's, no wonder they can't get laid.

Stan sees me. People turned and looked at me, whispering. I start to blush. Most of the peoples comments are about my tiny feet. "Uh hi?" I said in a sweet voice.

"Hi. May I have this dance?" He asked bowing down to me.

"Y-yes." I said holding his hand.

Bebe, and Wendy jaws just dropped. They couldn't recognize me, but they were sure jealous. I twirled around, danced with the dream boy I always wanted for years. Stan marsh. Stan wanted to kiss me, but the clock struck midnight. "Prince Stan I gotta go." I said running away. My shoe accidentally feel off my foot. But I didn't care. I ran to the carriage and hurried home.

*time skip to home*

I get home, cartman, Craig, and Kyle were back into mice. I was back into the old rag. "I almost kissed him." I cried.

"Well. I'm sure he'll find you someday." Kyle said rubbing up against me.

"I hope so." I said.

*next day*

I did my usual chores, mom wanted me to go upstairs, because the Prince was gonna find the girl he saw last night from the ball.

Wendy (younger sister) put on the slipper. It fit but, her heel was too big. Mom gave her the knife and asked her to cut off a piece of her heel. But it still didn't fit.

Bebe put the shoe on and her big toe didn't fit. So, she had to cut it off. It still didn't fit.

I walked down the stairs "Uh hi?" I said

Stan kneels down puts the shoe on, and it fits. I feel like a star. Bebe and Wendy's jaw dropped again. So did mom's jaw. Stan kisses me for the first time. "Will you marry me?" He said.

"Yes." I said.

We got married, I was so happy I never been this happy in my life. How ever Bebe and Wendy got punished with blindness. My birds poked their eyes out. Haha, they will be blind as long as they live.

And we lived happily ever after. The end


Yes spring break is finally here! Yes! You guys can request more x readers, it canbe fairy tales. I felt like fairy tales in this one xD but yeah! Leave requests right now!

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