Shes mine! (tweek)

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I'm not good at tweeks lines but I'll try my best. note: that you are in 10th grade

Craig and tweek has a crush on you ever since you watched into the classroom. They were going to be getting into a fight over you again.


"OK, we have a new student joining us today. Please give (y/n) a nice warm welcome. (Y/n) why don't you tell your classmates a little about yourself" Mr.Smith said

"Hi I'm (y/n) I'm 16, I like the color (f/c), coffee, and video games." You said.

"Why don't you sit next to tweek?" Mr. Smith said.

"Hi I'm (y/n)." You smiled.

"Gah! I'm Twe-tweek! N-nice to m-meet y-you." Tweek said blushing

You two talked the entire time through out class. You two liked coffee a lot. You like how twitchy he is. This other kid you see is flipping you off. But at the same time he was blushing.

Two weeks later (present)

Craig and tweak are both having a crush on you. They are gonna fight over you. Every kid in class were gonna watch and cheer. You run over there, and you see them fighting.

"She's mine!" Craig said putting up the finger

"No s-s-she's mine!!!!" Tweek screamed, and threw a punch.

Craig punched tweeks jaw. Tweek punches Craig in the balls, making him fall over holding his nuts. Craig gets up, punching tweek in the nose, tweek punches Craig's eye.

"Stop please stop!" You said jumping in the fight.

"Why?? One of us should have you." Craig said "so who do you choose?"

"I choose tweek. He's not an asshole, and doesn't flip people the finger all the time. We both like coffee, and we get a long well." You said.

"Fine! You win tweek. Next time I'll win!" Craig said.

"F-f-fuck yo-you Craig!!!" Tweek said.

Tweek looks over at you pulling her into a kiss. "Thank you for choosing me (y/n)"

"I love you." You said kissing back.

"I-i-i won't let an-any one-e me-mess with y-you! E-ever!" He said.

The end

Sorry school is in the way, and I've been busy with other shit. But yeah. I had this saved since janua

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