A cold and "shocking" death (Stan x Yandere!reader)

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I'm Not dead! Schools been a bitch :/

(Your POV)

There he is! Stanley Randal Marsh. The cutest guy that I've seen in my life. I like that his Raven hair shines when the sunlight hits it, his blue eyes twinkle like the blue moon, and his smile makes my day.

But there is one problem.

Wendy testaburger bitch ass.

Has been crushing on Stan for years many times.

First they break up, then get back together with him. Wow! Is she like bad in bed or something? Or really wants his dicky that bad.

I want to hurt her. I want to kill her. I want her to die. I wish she could die.

Time skip till 3:00 between classes.

I see Wendy going to the bathroom. Perfect to kill her. She can die right now. I got a plastic bucket of water in my hand. She's already in her bathroom stall, I can dump the water on her, and I can turn the lights out. Did I also mention that I take the plastic part out of the light socket, so when she turns it on she'll be electrocuted to death.

After I took the plastic part out of the socket that protects the electoral wires. I turned the lights off.

"Hey! Turn the lights back on." Wendy yelled out.

I went over to the bathroom stall, and poured the water on Wendy. I drop the bucket, and run away. I let out a creepy laugh.

"Fuck. I need to turn the lights back on." She growled walking over to the light socket. As Wendy turns the water on, the electric shock is triggered. I hear her electric scream. I guess this little prank is shocking.

10 seconds later, her lifeless body falls down on the ground. I took a good look at her dead body. She has a missing eye, and her other eye has blood coming out. Plus, her nose is burned up, oh I can see the bone of the nose. I let out an evil creepy laugh.

Time skip till someone discovers Wendy's corpse.

After the dismissal bell has rung, I went to my locker. 30 seconds later, I heard a horrific scream coming from the girls bathroom. It was Bebe, and Heidi running out.

"Oh my God! Wendy is dead!!" Bebe shrieked, she fainted from seeing her dead bestfriend. Heidi was crying her eyes out running to the principal.

Stan on the other hand was having a panic attack after hearing the screams of the girls saying that Wendy's dead. Wendy bitch ass won't touch my Stan.

Time skip after 3 weeks

I'm going to tell Stan how I feel about him. I go up to Stan in the hallway, I'm a little nervous. Kyle was with him. "H....hey Stan.." I said.

"Hi y/n!" Stan greeted. "How are you?"

"Stan. I love you.....I really do. I like your personality a lot. Plus I think you're cute. Do you want to see a movie this weekend?" I blushed.

"You are asking me out? I'm sorry. But ever since Wendy died I can't move on. It hurts a lot. Plus you like me? I don't like you." He said trying not to cry. He doesn't like me, why? My heat breaks in a million pieces.

"Stan.. I do like you a lot. I would do anything for you. Please, I'm tired of being rejected." I said tearing up.

"I'm sorry. I just don't like you." Stan said.

My sanity immediately lost it. I pull out my pistol. I point it at Stan. Kyle screams out "she's going to kill you!"

"That's right. If I can't have him. No one can." I said firing a shot towards Kyle. I shot him in the shoulder. Everyone runs away screaming. I fire more shots towards to groups of running peers. I grab Stan's arm to prevent him from running away. I pulled him into a kiss. "I kissed someone finally." I said.

"Please. You don't need to do this! There's many people out there that would go crazy about you." Stan said crying.

I don't care. Stan's the only guy I'll ever love. I shot him in the head. He died in my arms. I lie down on the floor, I hold Stan's hand. I want to die too. No one cares about me. I pull the trigger onto my head. The flash of darkness was the last thing I saw. I held Stan's hand when I pulled the trigger.

God please forgive me.

The aftermath

Y/n killed 4 people including herself. The victims are: Stan Marsh, Heidi Turner, and Red Tucker.

She injured: Kyle broflovski, Bebe Stevens, Craig Tucker, and Lola. Lola died 9 days later.

It revels in y/n's diary that she was responsible in Wendy's death. Police, and investigators realized that y/n wants someone to love her, and that she would kill for anyone.

Nothing won't be the same anymore after this massacre.

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