mama I'm in love with a criminal (Trent)

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Y/n's POV

Trent boyett. He was released from prison 4 months ago. My mama told me to stay away from him no matter what. She never let's me be near boys at all.

I had been crushing on Trent boyett, I really don't know why! He's just hot! I like buff, tough, and bad boys man! I want to tell him that I like him but, I'm too shy. My friends know that I like him, they are terrified of Trent boyett! I mean terrified of him. When he gets near them, they run away screaming like there's a murderer chasing them.

I look around the corner, seeing Trent combing his hair. Trent, wish you could notice me. I got it, I'll tell him how I feel this Friday. I hope he accepts my feelings. I'm a bit nervous tell him that I like him.


Today is the day, I'm not going to turn back to tell Trent boyett that I have a crush on him. Suddenly cartman comes up from behind me and throws me to the ground, and smacking me. I see Trent put his hand on his shoulder with a mean face. Cartman had his blood melting, he knows who's touching him. "Just what do you think you're doing?" Trent said. "I suggest you leave this beautiful girl alone, or you will be in intensive care for a few weeks." Oh my god wow! He thinks I'm beautiful. I like how nothing brings him down, I like guys like that. Cartman walks away with out a word.

"Hey thank you." I said to him.

"You're welcome." Trent smiled

Do it just do it! "Ok Trent for a while, I had been having a crush on you. I like how tough you are, and that nothing can bring you down. I like tough, gangster boys." I start to blush. Did I fuck up????

Trent blushed as hard as I am. I look at his arm, I see that he has my name tattooed on his arm? What?! He likes me back? Trent grabbed my f/c shirt and pulled me into a kiss. Oh my god! I should tell my mom. I don't care if she gets mad or sad.


I get home jumping up and down. My mom notices me how happy I am. "Mom, I got my first kiss today!"

"By who?" She asked

"Mama. I'm in love with a criminal. He has my name tattooed on his arm. He won't let anything happen to me. Please don't get mad!" I said. Mom looks at me, she starts to cry her eyes out. "Mama please don't cry I'll be alright. I can't just can't deny, I love the guy. I'm happy with him, he's happy with me."

"What did I tell you about going near Trent?! He will hurt you." She said

"He hadent laid a finger on me or anyone else. He gave cartman a warning though. He protected me from the biggest asshole ever. Do you want to ruin our relationship, and make me not happy?"  I said in a serious tone.

Mom sighs "if you're going to date a guy with fucked up teeth, a fat dude, a nerd, or a criminal. As long as your happy with him. I am. I'm just crying cause I'm worried."

After a few weeks trent and I were hanging out together, our relationship is growing. We didn't fight. He didn't hurt anyone, but gave them a warning. We even made out in the schools janitor room. Hehe we are rule breakers. I'll love my thug boyfriend, no matter who he is. As long he treats me, and my friends well.


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