who are you? (mysterion)

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(A/n: sorry if these one shots are bad, because my English is bad.)

You where a lonely girl in south park. You couldn't find that special person out there that will admire you. You tried, but decided to give up to find someone out there.

You lie down on your bed, sighing. Until you heard your window open and see a mysterious person, wearing a hood, a leotard, with underpants on the outside, and a long cape. Who is this person? You looked in his eyes.

"Hello." He said in a low voice.

"W-who are you?" You asked.

"I am mysterion. A superhero." He said. The voice of him made you be attractive.

"Why are you here?" You asked

"I like to watch you sleep, and I also like to protect you, and Karen McCormick."

"But why me?"

"Because you're beautiful. And girls who are beautiful needs to be protected." He blushed. You blusher as soon he said that. You had never been called pretty before. But you liked it.

"Thank you." You said blushing.

"I have to go. I'll need to check on Karen McCormick. And good pretty girls go to bed." He said. You nodded yes, and went to sleep. A few hours later, he was checking on you again. This time he was watching you sleep.


The next day at school, you sighed. You really wanted to know who mysterion is. The mystery made you fall in love with him, you were also attracted to his voice.

A few kids a few pictures of mysterion in their lockers. You asked Kenny if he could give you one. Kenny had a blush across his cheeks when he gave you a picture of mysterion.

You taped the picture of the picture of mysterion, and you drew a little heart on the picture with your red sharpie. You where just really wanting to know his true identity.

Little did you know, mysterion is really Kenny McCormick, and that you liked Kenny for a long time. You wanted to find out mysterion's true identity. The voice of him, and the things he said to you made you attracted to him. It's the mystery that made you love him.


Later that night, Kenny dressed up into mysterion. He goes up to your house, and climbs your window. You were changing into pajamas, you are topless. Mysterion opens the window, you turned around, and put on your pajama shirt fast. Mysterion blushed looking at you. "Uh....hi?" He said

"You're quite the perv for being a superhero." You said curling up in bed.

"Only around you sweetie. The rest of my work is strictly business." Mysterion said sitting down on the bed.

You blushed as he went closer, and closer to you. He likes you. You know it. But you were just shy to tell him you like him. Mysterion pulls you out of bed, and kisses you. You blushed really hard into the kiss. It was your first kiss.

You removed his hood, the mystery teen boy is really, Kenny McCormick! The boy you liked in school a lot. Kenny hugs you close. You hugged him back. Kenny protects you from all the enemies that try to harm you.

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