Wake up! (Clyde)

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Sleeping beauty story.

Y/n is a 15 year old princess, who lives in the woods instead of the castle. The reason is, because when she was a baby a witch told her at sundown of her 16th birthday, she'll touch a pin of the spinning wheel, a d fall into a deep sleep. The people all over town burned the spinning wheels, so when she's 16 she won't even see one at all.

The Queen and king suggested to have the 3 fairies Wendy, Bebe, and Patty to take care of her in the cabin in the woods. Y/n knows that they are magical fairies, and she honestly think it's awesome.

One day when she was walking, and singing. She sees a handsome prince. Who is this hot man? His name is Clyde Donovan. Clyde is a crybaby, loves tacos, and a athletic person. Clyde trips over a rock, scraping his knee. Which caused him to cry.

"Are you ok?" Y/n said walking up to him.

"Yeah! I scraped my knee, i-it hurts!!" He cried. Y/n sighed, she never knew a teen can still cry when they have a tiny scrape. She rips a piece of her skirt off as a bandage for Clyde. Y/n wraps the bandage around Clyde's knee, he stopped sniffing. "T-thank you, who are you?" He asked

"I'm y/n, l/n." Y/n said

"I'm Clyde Donovan." Clyde said bowing down. His chocolate eyes looks at her e/c ones. He realised that he found a special girl.

"I better get going." Y/n said.

"Ok. Bye." Clyde said


A few weeks later

You where back at your castle, your true home. Your 3 fairy god mother's kept an eye on you. You never knew why, but today is now your 16th birthday. People where wondering of all spinning wheels where burnt to the ground, so you don't touch it.

It's sundown at your home. You watch the sun set. You where always thinking why people are burning spinning wheels. What was so bad about them? Suddenly you heard a voice call your name, and see a bright green light on your left side.

You follow the green light, and the voice. Meanwhile Patty was seeing you walk toward the light. She runs to bebe, and wendy. They where trying to call your name. But you didn't hear them.

You entered the room where there's only one spinning wheel. The sharp point was shining. What? 'Why is it shining?' You thought. You walk up to the spinning wheel, and touch the sharp point. Patty, Bebe, and Wendy walked in, it was already to late. You collapsed, and fell Into a deep sleep.

Your sleeping body was put on your bed, a rose was on your hands. You where sleeping very deep. No sound has been heard since you fell into a coma.

Clyde was crying as soon he heard about your coma. He wanted to tell his feelings to you. But he couldn't. He couldn't believe a sick witch would do this to you. As he was walking in the forest, he saw the witch. He took his sword out and pointed at her. "Why? She was an innocent princess."

The witch laughed, she turned into a giant mean black dragon. Clyde was scared at first. But he realised, he had to fight it for you! You deserve his heart, he deserves your heart. Clyde climbed on top of the mountain, and jumped on the dragon. Stabbing it in the back 25 times. The dragons wings made him fly up in the air. As Clyde falls down, his sword was pointed at the dragons head. He did cut the head off. Clyde lands on the ground, he was unconscious, but he is proud for saving you.

After 2 hours he woke up, looking at the dragons corpse. Clyde smiled at the purple dragons blood on the sword. Clyde thought about it. He remebered that a first kiss that you have crush on can wake her up.

Clyde gets inside your room, Patty, Wendy, and Bebe was next to your sleeping body. Bebe was crying on Wendy's shoulder. Clyde walked up to you, and gives you a kiss on the lips.

You felt something on your lips. You open your eyes and see Clyde kissing your lips. "Wake up sleeping beauty." He smiled looking at you.

"Aww five more minutes." You teased

You open the doors to the balcony, and walk outside to the balcony. You where holding Clyde's hand. He was smiling at you. The town sees you wide awake, and they cheered.

You and Clyde gotten married, had 2 kids. And you guys lived a happy life. Clyde holds you when your sleeping for the rest of your life.

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