No one can have you! (Yandere!Cartman)

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Yandere cartman x reader +scary/sad ending

Cartman POV

There she is y/n l/n. The beautiful h/c colored girl that smiles all the time. She has sparkly e/c orbs, and smooth s/c skin.

Some nights, I sneak into her room, and watch the cute girl sleep. On her night table, I see a picture of her and the joo. Why him?? Why kahl?! I must have her, if it's the last thing I do.

Next day at school

Kyle, and y/n were holding hands in school, and kissing!?? What the fuck?! And why???!! I can't have Kyle be with my girl! No matter what!

In art class, I wrote and drew out my plan to kill Kyle, and any other boy that likes her. I got a gun in my backpack, 20 bullets, and a giant fucking knife. The boys should watch out who there messing with.

Kyle was giving her a rose, to show how much he LOVES her. Even fucking Stan likes her. They won't lay a finger after what I do to them.

I pull out my gun, and started shooting. I shot Kyle in the eye. Y/n starts screaming, and crying like a banshee. Stan walks up to see the scared girl "hey, what happened-" I cut him off by throwing my knife at his neck. Y/n screams more. The lights go out. She starts to cry on Kyle's corpse.

"Why would anyone do this?! I'll call the cops immediately." Y/n said. Uh oh. Police! I fucking hate cops.

Clyde walks by her, I shot him in the back. He immediately died. Y/n looked at me in shock.

"How could you?!" She cried. "Leave me alone you monster." Monster? Me? I want all of the guys to stop flirting with her. I chase after her. She screams help, while other kids run away.

I grab her left wrist. "Hi my little y/n." I cooed. She squirms screaming.

"Please don't kill me!!!" She screamed

"Me?! I love you!" I said

"Well I don't! You're a mean bastard that yells at Kyle for being Jewish. And you call me flat chested (if you're ginger, think of him saying ginger jokes about you) please just leave me alone! The cops will be here soon!" She said

"N-no you can't love anyone else besides me. I don't care. Since you don't love me, you're going to be eliminated." I growled.

"No! Please-" it was too late I shot her in the neck. She's dead. That's fine. I'll shoot the police. I'll take her dead corpse with me.

I drag her corpse, I dropped it as soon the police tazered me. I guess I can't have her at all. She won't let me love her. I guess I'm spending the rest of my life behind bars.

3rd POV

In a loving memory of y/n l/n a loving girl and daughter. (Your birthdate the year youre born will be 2000) - 5/6/2015

In a loving memory of kyle broflovski a smart boy, and loved by many. 5/26/1999-5/6/2015

In a loving memory of Clyde Donovan. A kind loving boy. 4/10/1999-5/6/2015

In a loving memory of Stan Marsh a fun boy, and a caring person 10/19/1999-5/6/2015.

We will miss all of you.

Y/n was in everlasting peace with Kyle, for eternity Kyle's soul holds y/n's forever. Clyde, and Stan guarded them forever. They'll be missed. Forever.

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