busted razorblades (Kenny)

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Kenny x suicidal!reader

Trigger warning: self harm, suicide, & bullying. Don't read this if it triggers you. Read at your own risk.

Y/n pov

"Why do I even bother living?!" I cried as I slash my wrists, I made them so bloody. Iike seeing that shit on my arms. Plus its winter time, so I can hide my cuts from people. Including my family.


"Bitch!" "Hoe!" "Ugly whore!" The girls always hated me. I didn't do anything wrong to them. So I don't know why, why am I living. When ever they call me names, or threaten me I cry.

I'm sick of crying, I'm sick of so much hatred. Well the boys like me, not like that. But as a friend. I never told them that I'm depressed, that I'm suicidal, or that I harm myself to them. I never actually did tell them this pain.

If they find out I'm like this they'll think I'm emo, and will force me to hang out with the emo kids.

Kenny McCormick, I had a feeling he likes me. But he's such a damn pervert. The other day he gripped my breasts from behind. I whoop his ass. I kinda do like him back.

~end of flashbacks~

I put my blade to my throat crying, goodbye world. Its ugly. I can go to heaven. Finally. I cut my neck, then everything went black. Yes I'm dead!

~hours later~

I open my eyes in a bright white room. Am I in heaven now? Am I free? I'm finally free. But why did it take hours to get up there.


I'm not in heaven

I'm in the damn hospital, Kenny was crying on the bed. Why? I'm nothing to anyone. I'm nothing. "Y/n!" He cried hugging me. What the heck? "Why?" He asks, he looks at the cuts.

"The girls they bully me, threaten me, and beat the fuck out of me for hanging out with you guys. And making rumors that I screwed with you guys." I whimpered.

"Is that why you weren't smiling that much?" Kenny asks. The others go up to me, I nodded yes. The others gave me a group hug.

"I'm sorry, if I told you you would think I'm emo." I cried.

"No, no emos just wear short sleeve shirts when they do that, and do it for attention. But people who need help, don't act like themselves, hides their arms, and not be active. That's the difference between Amos and real people who need help. Promise use that you won't do this again, and get help." Kenny says.

They all hugged her. Kenny kissed y/n on the lips. He protects her, he doesn't want her to die....

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