1.18th birthday!

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2 years after BTS debuted.

Jeongguk's POV:

And finally,finally today I can breathe by the Grace of God. Yes,Jeonggukie you're now 18. The matured,freedom called age.  Namjoon hyung can't scold me for nothing. No constraints. Now I can freely flail around my invisible wings.
THIS was the day of the year which I anticipated for good 8 months. Now let's see who holds me back. Haha. Wow I look great w dat smug smile.

Ahhh. It was a hectic day.  I'm damn tired after cutting cakes,checking wishes from ARMY on twitter & all. Ahh let me check the time. Aish!!it's 11:35 pm already only 25 mins left to be 2nd of Sept & my day will be Over. But who cares? It's just the beginning.  I can be nonchalant henceforward.  Why dis Namjoon Hyung isn't coming yet I'll turn off the lights & sleep damn dis hyung is now irritating meh!!( since jk & rm share room). Ah! I should turn off the lights & sleep dis lamp light will be enough for him to come & sleep.
After turning off the lights I laid peacefully & was trying to sleep.
Almost after 10 mins someone came & closed the door. As I was half awake I caught the steps.  I whined little bit slur in my voice  "ahhh joon hyung what the hell were u doing so long, u bang my sweet sleep!" and opened my  eyes rubbinng them to caught Namjoon hyung.  But it wasn’t  Namjoon hyung  it was  Taehyung Hyung  holding a pillow & looking at me  w his puppy eyes as if he was  guilty awakening me.

"Taehyung Hyung ,what're u doing in our room?" I mumbled.

"a..ac...actually Namjoonah hyung wanted to sleep w Jin hyung today so he told me to interchange our rooms." He murmured still holding the cute pout in his lips.

"Aish. Gotcha. No probs come & sleep." I gave an inviting smile.

"Yeah btw,Isn't dis bed too smol for u 2 to sleep?" He asked showing little bit
curve in his eyebrows .

"yeah but we manage anyway."

"Oh okayyy."
  Suddenly my eyes went on the pillow he was cuddling tightly to his chest.

"hey Taehyung hyung, we already have two pillows enough for 2 to sleep, why did u brought dis one? " I couldn’t refrain from asking.

" It's been two years & you still dunno tht I can't sleep w/o cuddling smtg." He kinda increased  the length of his pout as if he wasn’t expecting dat from me.

" oh yeah I remember one day jin hyung kicked you out of the room bcz u were tight hugging him... "
I giggled as I suddenly remembered the old incident from a close part of my huge brain.

"Ah gguk even tho you are 18 now don't think u grew up so much that u can make fun of your tae hyung!"
Taehyungie Hyung  glared.

Tho he look cuter when he fumes but still I didn’t want a scuffle to broke out at least at dis time when I was sleepy as HELL.

"Aish hehe I'm kidding come & sleep." I took back my teasing.

He nodded in response.

" let me turn off the lamp." I informed before turning off the lamp.

"Gguk last one thing..." But Hyung interrupted.

" What?"

"Please don't turn off the lamp I feel scared of complete darkness and dis light is low easy to sleep on. (Our tae is a brave boy.. Nvm) he mumbled demandingly. 

"Hyung you're a 19 y/o bby boy. "
I again took the opportunity to tease him.

" And looks like you're 30 huh? " Again pouting.

"Matured than you I guess." I shrugged.

But he didn’t bother to argue further & lied beside me facing his tiny ass to me cuddling his that pillow.

Is it wrong to compliment his ass?
The day since I joined BTS.. Uhh I fell for dis guy. I still remember how he helped me to resemble myself for our first song No more dreams. I was so nervous but Taehyung Hyung was so caring. First I thought it might be a infra actuation as I'm young but since days were passing I was Falling for dis guy moreeee. I thought of confessing
to him today but I was so damn busy w our new released "converse high " & birthday celebration w all dat I couldn’t. BUMMER! I thought of discussing it w Namjoon hyung but then I got "nehhh" he might get mad & Will definitely say me to focus on our carrier, my carrier! I actually shouldn't reveal myself to Taehyung hyung.
I even didn't know how will he react & if he's bi or not as I've heard he dated a girl in his high school. I really didn't want our band to face any consequences for me. For now it was  better to keep my feelings hidden rather bury them! I thought of to  stop thinking about him & sleep.

(A/n: ik it's kinda weird to start from 2015 but if I had started from 2021 thn the story can't reach it's climax. Anyway how was it?)

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