17. Feelings

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Now Taehyung looked at Jeongguk emphasizing an eye contact.  "Listen Jeongguk you're callow & don’t know the difference between right & wrong.  Taehyung huffed & continued.  " Feelings,emotions these have no space in our life esp at dis stage of carrier. And secondly I'm a boy so you're. So dis not possible between us & when we're group members. Pls understand. " Taehyung ended w a sigh.  "Can't a boy love a boy? It's not like I'm the only Goddamn creature in dis whole cosmos who fell in love w someone of his own gender.  And I actually love you from the core of my heart I swear. " Jeongguk made himself clear but that didn’t satisfied Taehyung.
"You love me? he sniggered. " Listen love is nothing perhaps a momentary array of emotions & it all comes up w conditions,desire,looks,lust what do love is? You can't even evaluate the word love & you're saying you love me huh?Taehyung scoffed w a smirk complementing his lines.

Now that made Jeongguk angry because now Taehyung was not making fun of him rather he,raised question on his love. "So you want to know what love is for me? Fine." he took a deep breath. "Love is sympathy. Love friendship.  Love is not conditions w/o consent,love is commitments w consent. Love Isn't lust, love is making love & that too w care,permission,determination. Love doesn't cares about it's consequences.  Love has no boundaries. Love is ethereal. And for me in allover love is the ocean where you want to get drown again & again."  Jeongguk huffed ending the statement.
Taehyung gawped at the younger's statements. He was dazzled by the way of Jeongguk's elaboration.  He never knew that dis little Jeongguk would define such a strong word so specifically.  He cursed himself inside for thinking dis younger male inferior. He felt like hugging him but he knows right now dis will not be a good move. Before Taehyung could state something Jeongguk took his words.  "So still have doubt?  he smirked.  " Your face emphasis that you don't."  Taehyung took a gulp. I never knew that you've grown up so much.  But Jeongguk we are living in a territory where all of these are totally restricted. " Taehyung mumbled.

"Nothing is restricted. " Jeongguk assured & grasped Taehyung's hand enthusiastically.
But Taehyung knows that he has to stifle dis matter right now otherwise consequences are waiting for both of them. And to make Jeongguk realize dis he have to be cold,colder.

"No,& furthermore I don't even have feelings for you." Taehyung retorted sharply.

You've but it's still latent inside your heart idiot!

"I know you're just saying it because you care about the society." Jeongguk murmured under his sobs.

"Enough of dis Jeongguk! Everything has a limit & enough of you childishness. " Taehyung snarled.

"Won't. Atleast  until making you realize." Jeongguk sighed.

"Huh" Taehyung squinted at Jeongguk & left the room.

Taehyung's Pov:

Why is the situation getting worse then ever? I thought Jeongguk will get it by now. But he turned out so stubborn.  But I've to divert his mind at any cost otherwise it'll bring divert impact on his carrier.

A/n: omg! I never noticed my story got MORE then 100 reads. Ly all <3

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