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Cring cring!

The alarm woke me up from my slumber. I rubbed my eyes for a clear vision but still could see all blur figures infront of my eyes. JEONGGUK! The thoughts of him has been nagging away at me since he left the dorm. I gave a glance to the clock hung infront of  my eyes. 9:20! Jeongguk must be awake by now. Did he bought enough meals to have in breakfast?

Suddenly I heard a knock on the door.
"Taehyungssi are you awake? "
"Yeah Yoongi hyung. " I answered in my morning groggy voice.

I went to the washroom to complete my morning activities & came out to take my breakfast. Everything was normal but still it wasn’t. The whole dorm looked pale,incomplete w/o Jeongguk. Everything looked gloomy.

The day past as usual nothing special. Everyone just did the packing things including me. Some unnecessary furnitures were moved to the new apartment.

It was the next day. Few trucks came to move our furnitures. Everyone was so busy moving all stuffs. It became almost evening shifting to our new house. The house was comparatively so big then our old one. It holds 5 bedrooms with huge living & dining room. Everything was scattered here & there. The dorm was still messy but as everyone was so jaded & tired no one had the courage to organize it furthermore.  So letting the house remain same everyone went to their respective room & to  my unfortunate I was once again abandoned all alone in a room as everyone choosed their personal rooms just except the best friends pair Hoseok hyung & Jiminah.  Jiminah is also my bestie but dunno why doesn’t he feels comfy to share room w me.

I was trying to organize my room when I heard a knock on the door. I turned to see,it was Jimin.

"Come in." I greeted w a smile.

He didn't smiled back but came in.
"Give your ass a seat shorty." I let out a small giggle.

"No thanks." Jimin sounded low.

"What happened? " I asked.

"Well, shouldn’t I be the one asking this?" he raised his eyebrows.


Jimin cleared his throat.
"Okay let me be frank. What happened between you & Gguk?"
Jimin went straight to it which made me stutter.

"N..no..nothing. What'll happen? " I tried to give a nonchalant shrug.

"Look Taehyung. Let's come to the centre,cuz now there’s no point to avoid it. Just spill the fuck out of it." Jimin sounded gruffy.

"It's just a random fight between me & Jeongguk." I mumbled.

"About what?"

"I guess it's not mendatory to tell you everything between us." I acted a little rude.

"Yes of course it's not. But if it holds him to separate his house then of course it is." Jimin retorted.

"I'm not obliged to answer you everything."  I stated in a deep resonate voice.

"If a simple scuffle had broke out between you two then Jeongguk would never have left the dorm like dis. So just say what the fuck actually happened? " Jimin frowned.

"Just go to your room for now. I'm organizing my room & you're distracting me."  I tried to excuse.

"What're you trying to escape huh?"

"Your butt & my head. Now go pls."


" pls I nudged him & that made him to move his body to go out of my room & I immediately locked the door."

Tf dis boy is insane! Such a narrow escape. I sighed.

After bringing my room to a shape I walked to the window to set the curtains. There was an apartment opposite to our apartment. I set the curtains & was about to leave the spot when my eyes caught a familiar figure on the opposite flat's room which was infront of my room. Is it.....? I rubbed my eyes for a clear vision.
"Yes it was Jeongguk!"

Sorry for the boring chapter :)

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