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The night passed so soon & the sun popped up out. I woke up & discovered a snoring mess Jin hyung beside me. I stretched my arms & walked outside our room. The whole dorm was still asleep. After doing little warm up things I got freshen up & heard my stomach growling. Hungry bitch!  I went to the kitchen immediately & encountered the packet of cereals. I made my breakfast & was devouring it like a hungry bee when I saw hobi Hyung coming out giving a loud yawn. He walked sluggishly to the dining gave me a good morning as I did & again went back to his room.
After completing my breakfast I went to the studio for practicing & never knew when it became noon practicing so far. After getting back to the dorm everything was as usual except one thing. JEONGGUK!  He wasn’t there.
I was caught by an tight  hug. "Aa Jiminah." I nudged him.
"Where were you?" he pouted.
"Studio & what?”
" owhhh."
"Where is Ggukie? " I asked casually.
"Owh he? I dunno. I was sleeping when he left the dorm. Yoongi hyung told me that he went to the office for some personal purpose." Jimin shrugged.

Jeongguk is too young for going to office all alone.

"Whatever how about the practice?  Recording date is near you know."

"Yeah. Just doing." I sighed.

"Anyways I'm hungry gonna have some kimchi. Wanna join?” Jimin offered enthusiastically.

" no thanks." I muttered.

"Okayss." Jimin smiled.

I smiled back & went to my room. The afternoon passed as usual but Jeongguk never came back.

Waiting for Jeongguk don't know when my eyes got shut off.

"But Gguk........."  "waitt....." "I...i....." "don't........ " "this is......... " "how............"

I could hear blurting sounds echoing from outside which broke my nap.
I woke up immediately.  Rubbing my eyes I walked to the living room and saw everyone gathering in Jeongguk's room. I went inside aparting the crowd  & saw Jeongguk packing his luggages. Which with no second punched my sleep away.
"What is happening here?" I shouted.
"Jeonggukie is leaving." Jin Hyung murmured under his sobs.
Like what? I was so super confused not knowing a single shit about all these.
"Leaving! Where?” I asked loudly in a impatient voice gaze on Jeongguk but he didn’t even looked at me.

"Can anyone say what the actual fuck is going on here?" I snarled back as everyone was busy talking themselves & nobody was answering me.

"I'll tell you." and w that Jimin yanked me outside the room.

"What?" I asked giddily.

"You're the reason for him to leave the house Tae." Jimin mumbled annoyingly.

"Me?" I shot him w a glare.

"Yeah, you should know actually. " Jimin shrugged & went back to the chaos.

So now everyone will put me in the dock of the accused.  That's all what I deserve.

It's been three hours since Jeongguk left the dorm w his  luggages & since that no one talked.  Everyone became quite as dumb.

Around 8;30 when everyone gathered for dinner Namjoon hyung suddenly said everyone to pack thier bag & baggages.

"Why?" hobi Hyung asked being confused.

"We are going to our new apartment by tomorrow or far day after tomorrow." he informed in a tense voice.

"But you said we are shifting next month." Jimin squinted frowning his eyebrows.

"Jin Hyung can you please broad an explanation. I'm gone." Joon hyung huffed.

Jin Hyung sat properly & spatted the table to pull everyone's attention.
"So look, Jeongguk rented a flat just near our new apartment. And Jeongguk Isn't probably aware of dis. Moreover,we can't just leave him all alone like that so we'll shift quickly close to him." Jin hyung informed dully.

"But hyung......."

"No buts Jiminssi. Eat the dinner & start the packing." Jin hyung stated  in a serious tone.

Jin hyung was a soft material since day one. But still no one ever dares to discourage his commands even Joon hyung too.

Jeongguk never got apart from his hyungs anyways :)

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