24. I love you Hyung.

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"H...hy..Hyung what was dis for?" Jeongguk snorted.

Yeah what was dis for? Why did I've to kiss him? Was the urge to kiss him simmering inside me?

The room filled w awkward silence. Just the sounds of exhaling & inhaling echoing thro the atmosphere.

"Why do u have to make me more weak v hyung?" A murmuring voice broke da silent air.

"I'm sorry Jeonggukiee.... I just wanted....

" wanted to make me suffer more then already? ” Jeongguk sniggered.


"Yess!" I was once again cut off by him.

"I'm feeling dat I'm stuck in a rut at dis moment. Not wanting to repeat my latent admiration for you but now you're initiating all these to insist me to do so." Jeongguk blurted out everything in a hoarsed tone.

Before I could state something Jeongguk once again continued.

"Why did you even followed me here? To irritate me?" He gave  a stern look.

"Cuz I Care For You JEONGGUKSSI! " I stood up & shouted.

"And why you have to over think it? I couldn’t sleep any night after you left the dorm. My every sleepless night passed worrying abt you. I was anticipating to meet you. The urge to hug u tight on my mind. And you're asking me why I'm here?
I didn't even informed hyungs. I Just somehow managed to sneak away & you're blaming me for all these?

You know what Jeongguk I should've nvr came here.

I turned to leave when my hand was caught by a tight grip as an attempt to confined me.

" V hyung, I...I'm sorry....." once again da same shaking voice.

I turned to face him.Brim of  tears in his eyes. Face gloomy.  Scruples for his every words clearly visible on his face.

"Can I hug you?" Jeongguk mumbled weakly.

And who was I to deny him. So I nodded. And immediately he hugged me,so tight.  Breathing heavily.

Jeongguk hugged me for good 10 minutes or maybe even more. I didn't hesitated to hug him back w the same vigor.

After getting apart the first word he said was "I'm sorry for my words hyung."

"I know those weren’t from your heart Ggukieee." I gave a comforting smile.

"You don't hate me after dis hyung,do you?" voice impatient.

"No you imbecile. " I chuckled.

"Can I kiss you then?" Jeongguk asked w his puppy ever cute eyes.

"~Whoaaaa, fine." I pouted my lips and closed my eyes.
But the touch of the lips which I was desiring was not on my lips rather it was on my cheeks.
I immediately opened my eyes.

"I was talking about a cheek kiss hyung.What  were you assuming huh?” A evil smirk gracing his lips.

" Aa...n..nothing. " I squirmed under his gaze as he was giving me a playful gaze.

"But if you want I won't feel hesitate to give you a lip kiss either." Jeongguk shrugged.

"Like you can." I conceited as an attempt to tease him.

"You sure you won't  regret your words?" A crease appearing between
his eyebrows.

"Nope." I gave a nonchalant shrug.


And w dat Jeongguk captured my lips w his and tilted his body more towards me. He tugged my hairs to join our foreheads more close to make the kiss more intense. He sucked my lower lips w his lips but soon he assigned dis task to his bunny teethe and started sucking my bottom lips harshly.  Soon his one hand surrounded my waist,one on the back of my head. 
Tho in the first moment I was feeling little bit mousy to take an attempt but my emotion went against it. I kissed him back intertwining our lips. This was my first kiss. And Jeongguk made it the best. Feeling the shortage of air we both parted,patting heavily.

"I love you v hyung."

But do I love him too?

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