34.Lights on!

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Taehyung's POV :

Everything was going well between me and Ggukie so far. I never thought dating a guy would be dis so fair. No doubt Jeongguk is a good soul. I still feel bad how I treated him when he first showed the courage to approach me. IK that my integrity of quality is lacking here. If the members come to know that we are dating in their back  I will be the first person to get interrogated by them. Bunches of disapproval will flare up. We already made the situation bad and it will get more aggravated if Hyungs get aware of all these. I really don't know the consequences of our dis unethical relationship. But the ultimate inertia was so inevitable that I had to choose this way I'm standing now.

Noone's pov:

It was the day of BTS's autumn leaves to be released. Members were too excited. And also finally it was the day of Jeongguk to be back w everyone. Due to some legal agreement, he couldn't reside back w everyone  before but now finally he was back. Today was two happy events for them.
1 .successful release of their new song
2. Jeongguk was finally back dorm

So now it was the time celebrate - "We can party but drinks aren't allowed." Namjoon warned in a quite serious tone.

"And so you think a party's a party
w/o drinks?"Yoongi retorted sharply from the side -

"Ah Yoongi-ah let's not include dis God of modesty in our party." Jin teased w a giggle.

"I'm obviously included you fellows." Namjoon pouted w disagree.

"Why are you guys intentionally pulling Namjoons hyjung's leg. If he doesn't wants to allow drinks that's really for our betterment. Isn't it ?" Jeongguk interrupted, supportive for Namjoon.

"So we'll now do a sober party, Ah why?" Jimin whined loud.

"First time you said something right Jiminah my bro." Yoongi appreciated kinda in a teasing tone and surrounded Jimin's  shoulder.

" I'm not your bro." Jimin pouted w disapproval and shrugged Yoongie's hand from his shoulder.

" BTW Tae you aren't speaking. What do you choose?" Jin asked.

"Um ..... what's so wrong in getting little bit tipsy haha." Taehyung mumbled.

"Boys what's wrong w you all? You guys are just in twentys remember. So stop acting like this. Where is all your manners?" Namjoon voice now dripping seriousness, too serious.

"But hyung stop acting so parental. It's just a day." Jimin shrugged.
He acts that he's even older than me, the WWH .....

"Can you all just shut the fuck up.Like what kind of behaviour is this? This is a party celebrating all of our success and happiness so everyone's decision is meant to be taken, if Namjoon doesn't prefers drink it's totally up to him." Up to this Jhope's voice was deep resonate Just like a Professor  but then ...
"But it doesn't mean we can't  enjoy drinks haha, and it's not like everyone in a party drinks, but does that stops or interrupts the whole drinking system? no right." Jhope shrugged trying to control his laughter from Namjoon's that scowled face.

I mean he was so hopeful from Jhope when he started like that but Jhope's next part totally ditched him, sad bestie.

Hopeless Namjoon couldn't deal w these stubborn kids as well as his hyungs. Yoongi brought drinks, 7 bottles or more. It's been ages since they are partying.

They bought pizza, fries, chips , Kimchi and so more.

Jhope played loud music though Namjoon warned him multiple times about the neighbours, but now who hears whom? Namjoon wanted to stay sober but that Jin made him drunk forcefully so that he can't supervise on everyone.

"Hey Yoogi Hyung I.. I want to pull your cheeks you are sooooooo cute ..." Jimin slurred continuously being touchy w Yoongi.

"Hey you pervert, move on your dirty hands from me." Yoongi trying hard to escape.

"No I won't, I want to kiss uuu...... Ahhh" Push!

Yoongi ran saving his ass to hoseok.

"What happened Hyung why're you running like a chased cat?" Hoseok giggle sipping into his drunk.

"Ugh that pervert Jiminah .... hey gimme a drink ..."
Yoongi took the drink from Hoseok and just took a swig  of his drink and continued " I'm gonna slap his ass." Yoongi hummed the last sentence.

"Slap whose ass?" Hoseok squinted.

"Yours" Spank!
"What the fuck.... Yoongi ... Hoseok pouted

"Haha ........... your that tiny ass."

"Yours is more Yoongi... "

"Oh really have u tried huh?" Yoongi smirked.

"Want me to?" A wicked glint in Hoseok's eyes.


Taehyung was standing in da balcony escaping his over drunk mess hyungs.
The sky was beautiful. Stars blinking horizontally.  Cold breeze giving his spine a little shiver. Taehyung's heart ached for a moment. Does this all even have anything.  What was he & Jeongguk doing & why were even they doing.

Suddenly he felt a touch on his shoulder Taehyung knew it wasn’t a ghost & obviously a member so he turned to check.

"Gguk? "

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