44.Blank storeo

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"What're we doing is all out of our needs & concluded as lust. Isn't it? " I wasn't a zero prepared for those harsh words. Everything sounded bizarrely . I wasn't just bemused but bewildered .
"Brief it all. Your words are askew. Not straight. "

"Jeonggukie let's just not hold it anymore.It has no destination.  Let's just be friends again as we were."

How could someone say those things so casually as if we just hooked up. It's been almost 6 fucking years & at this stage saying those like what the fuck.
I was ballisticed but that couldn't drove my crashing anxiety.
  "Hey Kim Taehyung .Don't show your audacity here. It's not stage. And after everything how the hell can u act like this out of no where ."
I was fuming which deliberately was coming out thro my heavy breathe.

" To continue something which ultimately will give u nothing at the end is just so imbecilic.  So it is advisable to draw a line here. It was good upto dis but not anymore Jeongguk."
I was just blinking horizontally. The man whom I just fucked,how can he say those.

"Your ever cared ?"  I mocked showing a bitter smile. What else could even I do. I was just feeling myself so stupid. An abandoned donkey.

Taehyung hyung sat on his ass by now. I also did the same to meet his eyes & ask him every Goddamn reasons for his statements.

"Jeongukie don't present me like this. I am just saying that when something has no use why should we go along w dat.  Is it fair enough? " Grimacing at me. Shouldn't I be the one to make that face now.

"So these years you were just feigning your love for me. Pretended that you had feelings. And now you felt like you can't go with the acting anymore so just taking Jeongguk for granted u r imposing your thoughts w/o giving a fuck about me? "I scowled my face at him. Clenching my jaw to hold back tears.

"Don't you think you're just skipping my words & recreating it by your own?You think. Isn't it a squalid affair?"

"SHUT UP YOU SELFISH PRICK ." I growled which I never did w him. 
"You just always think about yourself . You really have odd quirts.  You think everything depends on your mood. I can do whatever my black heart wants."
And I couldn't hold back my stray tears anymore. Flow of water cascading through my pale cheeks . I didn't want to look week in front of someone who just barely gives a fuck about my emotions but my eyes betrayed me.  A feeling that was pushing my heart into overdrive.  "Why do you choose to end everything now. Tell me."I changed the tone  from a wavering voice to a enraged voice .

"For our betterment I guess."he mumbled sneaking glances upward.

"Betterment? Oh really? "I asked w a sobbing laugh.  "I am just wondering how can you say all these so bluntly? Aren't you feeling a bit bad for me? Are you this heartless? How pathetic I am. How pathetic you are Jeon Jeongguk. Just look at you Kim Taehyung.  How pathetic you made me at this point where I've everything but still I'm here begging for you. You're degrading me and I'm still crying for you. Is ...is  ..it..because I fucking approached you first? "

"Jeongguk breath first.  You don't have to go this fast. "
he was rubbing my back as I was choking on my own words.  I just held my breath to say everything I wanted to  scream in his ears.

"Don't fake your sympathy hyung ." I pushed his hand away from me. I was disgusted. 
"I don't wanna be a stroppy mess here right now sacrificing all my prides on your knees .Doubt has always kept gnawing at me that if you ever loved me whenever you used to behave ignorant with me but later on when you used to pamper me I used to forget everything & pulled you closer. But now look at us. " I threw a harsh laugh.

"ignorant? So you were never ignorant w me?You never showed ego? Was it only me Jeongguk? " he asked strictly.
Yeah we both had faults.  I wasn't a saint . But my mind has never thought of leaving Taehyungie hyung even though how much distances we had last few years . There had been 2-3 months we used to talk decently. Our poor communication skills was common.  But to end everything never suppressed me.

"I know we both are criminals. But is it mandatory to draw a line? " I murmured wiping my glistening cheeks .

"May be no,maybe yes."

(A/n: ishskzssss)

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