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Ah dis alarm,oh shit! Namjoon Hyung told me to go for a jogging w him today bcz I'm getting chubby how did I forgot shit!! I should get ready now.....

Third person's POV :
Jeongguk turned to check if Taehyung  got disturbed due to the alarm or not. But what he witnessed was probably a dream for him. Taehyung was in a deep sleep cuddling his pillow, just like a 8 y/o kid. Jeongguk stared at him intently like he could do that for his whole life, then he realized he have to run for jogging but he felt jealous of that pillow he imagined himself in place of that which made him blush like an idiot. But not wasting anymore time he went to the washroom to get freshen up.

After getting fitted in his jogging suit Jeongguk came out of the room d saw Namjoon already tying his shoe laces.

: Jeongguk gm!did u slept well?

: yeah ofcrs Namjoon hyung..

: didn't Tae cuddled you while sleeping. Namjoon giggled.

: if he would, noone would be happier than me.  Jeongguk murmured.

:what?say louder.

: nothing let's go.

: yeah Let's.  We'll have breakfast coming back.

: yeah.

Both of them left for jogging.

Okay so let me introduce u w BTS's home. They have 3 bedrooms. One is masterbed jhope,jimin & yoongi shares that. Between other two rooms Jin & Taehyung's room is bigger while Jk & rm's room is smaller. They have a living room,dining,kitchen & a recording room. But now they're thinking of a big apartment.

While Jeongguk & Namjoon went for jogging Yoongi & Hoseok woke up for preparing breakfast.


"Yoongi open the door I'm doing the dishes " Hoseok shouted form the kitchen.

"Yeah I'm going " Yoongi opened the door.

Rm : ahhhhh we,are back! Jeongguk is so damn tired as it is his first time jogging for long 2 hours at a stretch.

Suga : Namjoonah u could have made it one hour, he's just a baby boy.

Rm : noh yoongiaah he's 18 now, he have to be fit & fine.

"You both stop arguing I'm fine! Hyung is breakfast ready?” jeongguk sighed.

Suga : yeah almost you both go & get freshen up & yeah woke up dis dumbass tae & jiminah is still sleeping.

" okay i'll awake jimin " Namjoon stated & went inside. 

Jeongguk went to his room. Taehyung wasn’t there. He thought he might have gone to his room. He closed the door & took a bath & came out. In the meantime Namjoon woke up Jimin.

Jeongguk went to Taehyung's room where Jin was in the washroom.  Taehyung was still asleep. So he slowly called "tae, tae it's already 9 "
But no response. "Come on now get up! Otherwise yoongi Hyung Won't give u breaky". Still Taehyung didn’t respond. Now he slightly pushed Taehyung " tae,wokeee up!!" Dis time Taehyung gave a little response but he grunted. Why is he grunting Jeongguk got nervous. Then he noticed that Taehyung's cheeks are noticeably red so he placed his hands on Taehyung's forhead, he has  temperature Jeongguk shouted "namjoon hyung, jin hyung, hobiahhhhh... everyone come fast" Jin quickly came out of the washroom, everyone came except yoongi as he was wiping the table.

Rm : what happened?

Jk : Tae has fever pls check! 
He panicked.

Jm: let me check. 

Jimin placed his hand on Taehyung's forhead to check " oh God it must be 100° or highest far 101° u scared us all idiot " jimin laughed.

Jk : 101! And u think it's a joke? -_-

Jhope checked. " hm it's because of stress ig don’t worry jk let him rest.

"Are you okay " jin asked.

"Yeah hyung it's just a random fever i'll be okay" Taehyung muttered.

"What okay fever is not a joke taehyung! " jeongguk snarled.

Yoongi came " what happened? ” "hyung tae just has little bit fever & jeongguk is Acting like has 106°." jimin laughed.

"Can you guys go away & let me rest please." Taehyung stated.

Rm : yeah we should go away & let him rest.

Everyone went except Jeongguk.

: Tae, r u really okay?"

: yeah gguk,  did u had breakfast?

: um..no..

: thn go & have it.

: won't you?

: um. Maybe after one hour u go.

: are u sure?

: 100%

Jeongguk didn’t wanted to leave Taehyung but as he insisted he left.
Everyone had their breakfast except jin & jimin. Jimin was having his breakfast in his room.
Jin was in the dining table Jeongguk came & sat beside him.

Jhope : gguk why r u upset? 

Jin : bcz of tae must be.

Jhope: Don't worry boy he'll Alright.

Jk: yeahh.

Yoongi came out of his room saying
" but jinahh aren’t we suppose to go to hybe Office for some paper works? ”

"Yeah i almost forgot " Namjoon shouted from living room.

Jhope : but how can we leave tae alone?

Yoongi : but we have to go and around 11:00 am they told.

Jin : Let's cancel it then.

Rm : r u sure? It's important to go today.

Jk : YOU guys go i'll stay w tae.

Jhope: r u sure?

"Gguk Himself is a bby how can he take care of someone " jimin came out telling from his room.

Jk : i can jiminshi! 

Jin : Jiminah! Stop teasing him.

Yoongi : then decide quickly we have to leave even.

Jk : you guys go i'll handle.

Rm : think again.

Jhope : Jeongguk can. He's a very responsible boy.

Jin : okay then. Let's get ready.

Jm : I'll also stay then.

Yoongi : that's a good idea you both stay.

Jeongguk interrupted " no need jiminshi u go i'll handle.

Jm : what's the problem if i stay?

Jk: if three of us don’t go how'll it came out?

(But actually jeongguk wasn’t thinking about it,he rather wanted to take care of Taehyung all by himself.)

Rm: yeah gguk is right. Jimin go & get ready. Everyone go.

As per stated everyone went to hybe except for Jeongguk & Taehyung. Taehyung didn’t knew about it ad he was in deep sleep.

A/n : pardon my short forms , but sorry compelled by habit yk hehe. Btw did you saw Ptd live on stage. My Gosh!!!
Btw I'm really so much worried about Tae,may Almighty recovers him soon.

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