46.Yet to come.

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Taehyung's perspective :

Life is tough everywhere. It goes pathetic if you are poor again it goes pathetic in another angle if you're rich .If you aren’t popular you might feel jealous of celebrities but if somehow  you become popular lately you'll just find it annoying after a certain time. It's the time when you'll understand that just fam  & money doesn't brings you every single thing it also takes away so many. It might cost you something very dearing which you never wanted to loose.

In these past years I've got thro many shits.
I've understood how tough going everything is. You can't touch a person how much close you are because of some filthy restrictions.
Tremendous.  I've learnt a lot & so much more to learn. Anxieties,unstable mental health,physical weakness,pressure,commitments towards work you can't even ignore them when you know people from world wide are looking at you. Disappointing them would be equal to sin which I never wanted to do & never will.
But the biggest question is  where is my personal space out of all these. It has just became bearable these years but still somewhere it still aches my heart & it  always will. How much I try to ignore everything but the invisible string between two hearts can never be broken. Something is yet to come.

Jeongguk's perspective :

As days are going I've also learnt about life a lot & still learning. Ups & downs is a common movement of every person's life whatever your position is.But to lead your life overcoming everything is the wise viewpoint. These days I've learnt that maybe we aren’t meant for everything & you don’t get everything in your one life.
But if there is something called an another life I would want my life to be free w Taehyungie Hyung. I would want to give him all the whole thing of love he deserves from me.I would be more benevolent & devoted towards him. I would want no constraints to tie us back. I would want to scream in the chaos that I love him. Maybe there will be a next life of Taehyung & Jeongguk with some more good memories.

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"Where are you?I can't see you?" The voice was weary.

"I  am right beside a coffee shop named Soulmates.

"  Couldn’t you just stood infront of the big grocery shop?" The weary voice was now mixed w some annoy.

"There are people. I can't. What if they recognize us on the spot. I don't want to get captured in any other people's camera today."

"Yeah I can see that.Hey wait I saw the coffee shop. 2 mins." The voice now became enthusiastic.

"Yesss run fast."

"Ggukieeeeee I missed you."  The Taehyung suddenly becomes bulky when he hugs me like that.

"You will kill me for real." I sighed trying to loose his wild grip.

"Ahh sorry.You okay?I was over excited. " He gave an embarrassed smile.

"It's ok Taehyungiee. How can i not be ok by your hug. Let's go inside. It'll start snowing more heavily. " I clenched his arm & pulled him inside the coffee shop.

"Good it's almost empty." Taehyung Hyung roamed his gaze around & was happy to find it almost empty.

"Isn't that the reason why I choose this place.
Let's go & inside near that fire. You're freezing & your face looks pale too."

We both sat on the seats I pointed at. Just the moment we sat the old lady who was standing at the right corner in an attempt to welcome customers quickly came to us. I was kinda flabbergasted that how still in this age she's so fit & just walked to us in a such a fast pace.

"What would you like to take sir?" she asked eyeing on Taehyungie Hyung. Like was it visible there that he's my older & he brought me in a date & he's sponsoring it. She could have asked me too.

"Um...we would...."

"He doesn’t prefers coffee. Bring a hot chocolate & a black...ummm..no...a cappuccino for us. " I answered instead in spit of being considered less liable in that old woman's point of view because it was visible in Taehyung hyung's expression dat how disoriented he was to choose order because of his great dislike for coffee.And as it was a coffee shop he was more puzzled. So it was my duty to help him.

"Ok thank you. Please wait a moment. " She smiled at me maybe she was embarrassed for thinking me a kid.

"I could have taken a coffee Jeonggukiee as it's a coffee...."

"Hush". I made him silent w my index.

" Don't overthink it. We can choose our orders darling. " I winked at him, which made his cheeks noticeably tinted.

After letting silence to take  some space someone spoke.
"I really feel safe here. Wish we could move here for lifetime. " he made an upset face.
Which also made me upset.

"Because North pole is for polar bears not for BTS." I tried to crack a worthless joke which actually didn’t work much on him to smile.

"Nobody or maybe very few peoples know us here. Finland is so decent. " he let my joke flew w the air and let his solemn conversations to stay.

I was about to console him but the old lady was a winner.

"Hey gentlemen your order is here." She wide a smile and kept the tray on the table.

"Thankyou." we both said together.

She left but then again came back "Enjoy peacefully. " told that w another soft smile & finally went invisible.

The scene was perfect. Jazz music playing in background. One or two more couples at the other corners of the cafe. Snowing outside. We both together throwing each other smile. We both took sips together.

"Good." Hyung murmured. He looked happy here. Though the vacation was short & secret too. But somehow it  felt like a life together. Thanks to Jiminssi & hobi hyung who planned all these for us. The awkwardness. Unplanned distances. Ignoring each other. Not meeting for ages.These will always   stay and it was just inevitable.  But we'll always have a secured place for each other even if we can't be together.  Even if we no longer exist as BTS. Even if we have to choose individual partners..Even tho everything is changed. Even tho the past was honestly the best but the best is what comes next.Maybe people will never get a confirmation about our relationship but it is better to keep some part of the story unclarified. Enigmatic.

I was just sitting there without focus.I wasn’t like me at this time.It was just us. TAEKOOK.

The end but not the end because the best moment is yet to come.

(A/n : Thank you for reading<3. I really cried writing the last chapter. It might be the last chapter of my book but not Taekook's book.)

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