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Still jeongguk's pov:

The afternoon passed by watching TV& gossiping w Jin Hyung. After everyone woke one by one before the evening falled except for Jimin & Taehyung, I was Bangladesh being impatient to watch Tae,curiosity was burning inside me what the actual fuck are they doing behind the closed door,they are friends ik dis is wrong to think like that but still....

"Are Taehyung & Jiminah still sleeping. " Yoongi Hyung stated.

Uhh finally someone else noticed except me.

"Maybe your contagious spread on them as well." Namjoon Hyung giggled.

SG: shut up! Everyone knows who's the clumsiest anyway."

RM : Couldn't defeat you.

SG: oh really?

"For God sake will you two Just shut up & check if Tae's temperature again arouse or not?" hobi hyung whined while I was happy as he did the work for me.

SG: why Don't you do?

JH: can't you see I'm cutting apples.

RM: you better see a dentist hobi.

JH: why tho??

RM: which idiot does chop apples can't you eat it whole?

JH: my choice dude & I don't devour things like you.

I felt like spanking their asses off can't they just forget themselves only for once & just check them.

RM: where is jin hyung btw?

JH: jinssi's shoulder ache again caught him.

RM: I'm not giving him messages anymore.

"Yoongiahhh yuck! These apples aren't sweet rather bitter as hell what have you bought? " Hobi hyung whined shouting at suga hyung.

SG: you better buy for yourself next time.

JH: huh.

SG : I'm going to practice my parts for autumn leaves in the studio don't look for me.

RM: who will?

Unhearing Namjoon hyung Yoongi hyung went to the studio. Finally I spoke "hobi hyung Won't you check tae hyung?"

"After completing my apple gguk."

RM : why do you think so much ggukie, he Isn't alone Jiminah will handle and maybe they're re taking naps, it'll not be a good idea to disturb them anyway.

"Okay" I sighed.

RM : hobiah after you complete devouring your red thing, get ready.

JH: to where?

RM: we are going to see the new apartment.

JH: are we shifting dis month?

RM: no, next ig.

JH: okiedokie.

"Jeonggukssi do you want to come along? " Namjoon hyung approached.

I wanted to see the new apartment but my mind didn't wanted to leave tae alone tho jiminssi was with him or bcz Jiminssi was w him.

"No." I replied.

RM: fine inform all that we're going.

"Okay Hyung."

After some time hobi Hyung & Namjoon hyung left to see the new dorm. Yoongi hyung was in the studio and ik it'll take hours, it's not new though, he practices so much. (No doubt that's why he is such a damn rapperxsinger.). And Jin hyung probably fallen asleep by dis time. I'm all alone,no one to converse with. After roaming the house for 5 times I decided to knock them.

I went to Taehyung's room & knocked slowly but no one responded. Thik thik. Again no one responded. What the hell are they doing. Is the door locked? W/O thinking further I slowly twisted the lock and luckily it was unlocked. I slowly opened the door little bit just to check them. Namjoon hyung was right they was asleep but snuggling each other. Even their hands were clutching each others. Jimin's one leg was on top of Tae clenching his both legs. I felt like rippng them apart. I can't deny the fact that that I jealous as fuck! But I slowly closed the door tho I felt to slam it over their asses. I went to Yoongi hyung's room as Jin hyung was in our room. Why the hell did I opened the door?? Why did I witnessed it? Why? Why? Many weird things were bumping on my mind bit I shrugged them consoling myself that they're just friends. And dunno when I fell asleep.

Love is cruel Isn't it?

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