14. Night

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Taehyung's Pov :

It was 1:00 am. And I still couldn’t sleep while dis Jin hyung is sleeping like a whole starfish.  I should go out & grab some chips.


ouch! How many times I told dis hobi Hyung to keep the dim light of the dining room on,but why does he nvr listens? Ouch my little feet.

Suddenly my eyes caught something.  Someone was sitting on the couch in the living room. I couldn’t see due to the massive darkness. Is he turning back?Is it a ghost? Should I scream?  Should I call everyone? Various ideas were bumping on my head. But what if  it was  just  my random hallucination? Am I'm on a haze?

No,no,no!Taehyung be brave,be brave.
You are a brave boy. I chanted.

I walked to the living room but I found my feet almost at. -0°C. Noo,no. You're Kim Taehyung of BTS. You should not be a wimp. With tiptoed I walked to the couch. It wasn’t my illusion.  Someone was really sitting on the couch facing his back to me. But I couldn’t see clearly.

"W..ho..is.....i..it?" I couldn’t control my mouth to stutter.  But the odd figure didn't respond.
I..I..a..asked w..who.. a...a...are..you?"
Is the ghost deaf? Now gathering all the courages from every single part of my body I,Kim Taehyung placed my hand on his shoulder. "Are..are you ghost?" I knew dis was dumb enough to ask a ghost if he was a ghost or not but I had no choice.
And there he turned!  I cowered a bit and took the nearest flower vase which was  nicely decorated on the side table & hit him in a frenzy of rage.
"Ouch!" he groaned.
The voice was familiar.
"Jeongguk is that you?"

He then immediately turned the torch of his phone. Hell it was Jeongguk! Earphones were plugged in his ears which  hindered his ears to get my voice. "I..I'm sorry Gguk are you alright? "
"After hitting me w dis bronze vase you expect me to be alright? " he hoarsely spoke. "A...a. let me check check." W/o waiting for him to response I scooped his chin to check his forehead  but I couldn’t see any change,maybe it was bcz of the darkness . But then at a slump he yanked his face from the grip of my hand.  "I'm ok." he snorted.  "Sure?" he didn’t replied.
"What were you watching gguk?" I asked in a teasing way with a smirk.
"None of you business. " he retorted.
"So you were watching adult shows huh?" I poked just to make him talk w me bcz I already saw the screen. Now he snarled "I was watching sponge bob square pants. " 
I let out a small giggle.
Then he started walking to his room w/o looking back. Dis was the chance.  I had to talk.  I yanked his hand from back & pulled him towards me. "I want to talk." 
"Talk about what?" he rolled his eyes.

"Talk about us gguk." I mumbled.

"Look v hyung I'm already jaded & sleepy as well, we can talk later." he pretended.

"And that's why you were watching phone late at night? "

"Fine." he sighed. "Say what?"

"Let's sit & talk."

We both were now on the couch sitting face to face.

"Look jungkookssi I really don't know why're you behaving so snub w me last few days,but it really hurts me."

"Oh so you care?" he shrugged like as if I was saying something other worldly.

"Yes of course I do."

"Good at least hyung notices me." he gave a bitter smilissue "I always used to do,and always will.
But what's the issue Ggukie? Why are you behaving so rude w me?"

"I'm like dis. I'm not being discourteous towards anybody."

"Of course you're. I don't know about others but you're being impolite towards me.And still you're doing the same thing."

"Nothing like that. I'm just kinda busy w Autumn leaves."

"Haven’t we published any songs before? " I furrowed.

"Dis is different v hyung. And if you're done let me go pls."

Gguk was never dis w me. His attitude was never uncouth towards me. I really couldn’t figure out what happened all of a sudden. "Fine go!" I muttered.

He slammed his ignoring gesture full of attitudes on me and walked over. I was turning back so that I don't have to watch him leaving. He never did dis on my face. NEVER!

After 1 minute I felt a touch on my shoulder.  I turned. It was Jeongguk again. "Complete  what you wanted to say." he stated in a commanding tone.  Like am I his slave? That really touched my ego. I'm his hyung. He can't just command me whenever he wants to talk.
"Nothing you can go." I stated straightforwardly facing him but not looking at him. But suddenly I heard a whimper.
"V..v..hyung.. why are you always like dis?"
I never meant to hurt him at dis extent that would bound him to cry. Was my behaviour dis rude?
"Ggukie I'm sorry I never meant to be dis much impolite towards you. Let's sit at first pls. I clenched his hand & made him sat on the couch along w me.
" Look at me ggukie." I captured his chins w my index & thumb & made his face turn to me.He was still sobbing.

"I really wanted to speak. I was really distraught w your behaviour. You took a good care of me & suddenly like the way you we being so snub w me really sucks." I paused maybe he wanted to say something & he really did.....

(A/n : something is coming.....)

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