39. DNA & Spring day.

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Another year passed. BTS were at the shore of their success. Releasing one of outstanding musics for Armys. Their schedule became tightened.  Strict restrictions.  They started to become more private. Separate apartments for individual.  Even if they wanted they couldn’t stay together due to company’s rules & all. They leave together sometimes just for significant schedules.

It was the year for Love yourself. They were tied to release 3 albums at a stretch constantly. Multiple of songs to work on with. No time to rest.

Taehyung was so tired that he just rested his eyes in the studio table working on. A slight touch on his back offended his sleep. He  half unconsciously wriggled his body & turned back to see who was dat bummer.  It was Jeongguk covering him w a jacket. Taehyung rubbed his  eyes mumbling something & sat back slowly yawning 2-3 times.

"Jeongguk? " he muttered w another short yawn on his mouth.

"You were cold Hyung. So I just wanted to put on a jacket. " Jeongguk pouted.

"Umm..yeah. I guess." Taehyung blinked still trying to figure out himself.

Jeongguk pulled a chair & sat beside Taehyung.

"You haven’t called neither texted me last few days. Even didn’t receive my calls?" Jeongguk sounded upset.

"You called me?" Taehyung raised his eyes resembling two cherry tomatoes as he was just born & started searching his pocket "shit!my phone. Where did I kept it?" Taehyung panicked.

"Careless you are." Jeongguk murmured.

"I can't find my phone Ggukie. "

"You know how much I missed you. It's been so long we communicated properly.  Isn't it? " Jeongguk's tone remained same.

"I know babe. But you see nah,we are going thro how much tight  schedules.
I can't even find time for myself." Taehyung made an excused face.

"Aren’t we working together?  If I can search for time to call you,you can't even hold up a second to talk to me? Last day I offered to drop you home but you left w/o even saying me. This isn't the manner Taehyungssi." Jeongguk now raised his tone but still modest,showing a offended face.

"I totally forgot dat Gguk. Next time we'll go together. " Taehyung tried to gave an assuring smile.

"You didn’t took it seriously. Did you? I mean you just not even take me seriously these days.  Do you?" Jeongguk now stood up.

"Hey Jeonggukie It's not the thing. You know the pressure. " Taehyung also stood & tried to hold Jeongguk's hand but he just got rejected.

"Sorry for bothering you.  You sleep.  Or work. I am going back. " Jeongguk turned back to go when he was caught by a tight grip.

"Jeonggukie isn't carrier more important.  We talked about it when we started our relationship. Didn't we?" Taehyung  tried to explain softly.

"Yeah obviously but if you give your 75% efforts in work,don't I deserve atleast a 25% effort from you?" Jeongguk crossed his arms,face in a whine.

"Yeah you do. You sure do."

"And what I am getting.  A zero. " Jeongguk made a zero w his fingers to emphasize it strongly.

"No..Ggukie" Taehyung tried to hold him but Jeongguk just streeted to the door & left the Studio.

Taehyung was guilty but also he was angry on Jeongguk's immaturity.

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