31. Finally!!

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I rushed out Jiminssi from my room & laid on my bed. It's time to call Jeonggukie. Like I can atleast share dis w him.
I called Jeongguk in a rush of excitement maybe. And unexpectedly he picked on da second ring.

"Hello Hello."  I greeted w my utmost whooping voice.

"Omg Hyung why're you so jolly molly today?" he chuckled.

"Um..I need to say you..no..show you something."

"What is it?"

"Umm.. I mean you can check by yourself if you want." I hesitantly asked.

"Ok I'm doing but what to check?"

"Go on Twitter &...

" wait,wait let me grab my another phone already."

"Ouh yeah." I let out a embarrassed laugh.

"Yeah go on."

"Ok open da Twitter & check what's tending."

"Um..wait I see some kpop songs uhh well even us here." he stated casually.

"Yeah yeah did you saw us?" I almost electrified my tone.

"Hyung, BTS ranking on Twitter  is nothing new." Jeongguk chortled.

"No I mean I wasn’t talking about BTS." I mumbled cheerlessly.


"Um..nothing leave it." I brushed off.

"Go on Hyung sure there was something otherwise you wouldn’t be exhilarated like a kindergarten  school kid after making a new friend." Jeongguk teased mockingly.

"Umm..  did yoy notice hashtag TaeKook on Twitter?  I murmured indefinitely.

" Oh that's da thing?  Taehyungie hyung I noticed it ages ago." Throwing a smug smile over phone.

"You did? And never felt da urge to tell me for once?" I whined.

"Um..I thought you won’t be good w it or what as you're a social media lowbrowed." He giggled.

"Yeah anything now." I scoffed.

"Anyways who showed you dis cuz as far I know you,you would nvr do a research on it all by yourself. So who is it?"


"I knew that already ." Same confident lazy tone.

"So I was thinking about...." As always I couldn’t complete due to my extreme inferior complexity.

"Thinking about what?"

"About a I mean I'm just saying... "

"Drive away all you skittishness & sing it out hyung. It's me Jeonggukiee ok? No one else." Jeongguk's assurance,low tone, cute response all gave me courage to say what I wanted to.

"If ppl are already assuming  about us so why don’t you try for a intrigue relationship authentically." I blurted out.

"Uhhh what?" The other person's voice conveying total disbelief like he just day dreamed something.

"I mean just if you're ok w it." I muttered unsurely.

"Hyung just say dat I'm not becoming a delusional rabbit once again."  Jeongguk's voice totally impatient.

"No you aren’t it's me Taehyung who approached you for a affair." I confidently respond.

"What is to approach. And moreover wasn’t I da one who already opened up my heart to you in da first place."

"Yeah but you didn’t asked for a relationship then.” I conceited a smirk.

" I was just scared to loose you once again." Jeongguk mumbled voice clearly vibrating how hard he's trying to restrain his tender emotions.

"But dis time I should be da one to think dis no?" I sarcastically  giggled.

"No idiot why would you have to worry about dat I already love you Dumbass Alien."  Jeongguk chuckled cutely.

"So we are dating from now on?" I asked for an reassurance in a low no-confidence tone.

"Yeahhhhhhh we're FINALLY Tae." Jeongguk's voice says how much he was relaxed.

" I would prefer a hyung." I demanded little bit dominantly.

"You dictator intended on topping me hu?" Dat teasy tone.

"I can be both." I nonchalantly spoke.

"So you mean a vice versa here."

"Yeah like dat. Hey yeah Jeongguk we're going too far it's just a beginning ok." I choked back a laugh.

"I know I know but as we're finally dating I don't know how far can I control my hysteria  over your irresistible features hyung." Jeongguk stated boldly.

"You anthropomorphic bunny." I warned but it sounded like a shy wife.

"For you I can be a anthropomorphic bunny as well complementing it w a rabbit cosplay what do u say?" Once again da same teasing male tone.

"Pervert!" I snorted.

"For you."

"Yeah yeah I know now just let dis child practice we've recording tomorrow. "

"Yeah even I've to."

"Last one thing."

"What that I love you thing. No worries I'm initiating. " The same confident Jeon.

"No it's dat just don’t foeget da boundaries of professional & personal life. We're first BTS members. Then Taekook ok?" Sorry but I broke his confident.

"You orders on head sir." Jeongguk giggled.

"I'm serious  Gguk." I scoffed.

"I know you’re & how can I let other members down even. I will always keep BTS ahead everything. " Jeongguk assured boldly.

"Yeah so goodnight,see ya tomorrow."


"What now?"

"I love you Taehyungiee Hyung." Da soft tone filled w love & dat too for me  now I had no constraints to say him

"I love you too Ggukiee."

A/n : Like  after 30 chapters they're finally together I can say proudly hehe. I mean sorry for holding your patients so long. *sigh.  Reading a FF Where da leads confessed in Such a slow Progress is rare. But as I already said once dat dis is going to be little bit slow w da flow bcz I'm actually trying to put them in da whole BTS thing here.

Something important ~

I've my exams which is considered as da most important exam of school life here. So I've to take a short break.I'll be back soon & update. So keep me here okie? Byebye <3.phew.

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