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"Now wake up Jeonggukiee!" I heard a
deafening shout  which made me flinch,I rubbed my eyes and saw it was none other than Taehyung.

"It's already 8:30 at night and you are still sleeping like a squirrel." Taehyung whined w a pout.

I was seeing everything blur so I rubbed my eyes once again in a doze of sleep "umm..where's all?"

"All are in our hallroom,we're planning to watch a movie wash your face and come." Taehyung Hyung informed.

"Okay.." I sighed & he left.

I really have no interest to watch a movie but everyone was waiting for me & ik they loves me so much & want my accompany w them everywhere as they adore me so much being the smallest member so not giving myself importance I washed my face & went to the hall where everyone was already positioned well on their own places waiting for my appearance.

RM : so bunny u are awake huh.

"Yeah hyung." I smiled.

"Your dinner is in the kitchen bring it." hobi Hyung informed gaze on the screen.

"Thanks hyung."

I bought my dinner & V hyung approached me to sit on the couch Where he & Jiminssi was already-seated, v hyung was sandwiched.

"okay so the movie is going to start." Namjoon hyung announced.

"But say first which movie you're going to show us?" jin hyung whined.

"Avengers age of ultron."  Namjoon hyung sighed.

" aaa,I really wanted to watch dis." yoongi hyung broad a smile.

"Shhshhh movie has started." Jimissi made everyone quite just like a prefect.

I laughed inside by seeing his leadership quality for implementing on his hyungs too.

I was taking spoon while watching the movie. Everyone was so enthusiastic about the movie ahem except for me.

I  was sluggishly roaming my eyes on the screen & on the room when my eyes witnessed another unexpected thing. Jiminssi was embracing Tae's waist clenching w his one hand and tho he showed he was damn interested on the movie but his eyes were just transfixed on Taehyung's neck manufacturing it intently. But Taehyung was watching the movie w pure attention. I couldn’t resist anymore don't know why but the jealous thing increased more on my emotions after I turned 18 as it happened before also but it didn't worked on me like that. I couldn’t bear anymore so I,asked Taehyung to take a spoon "I already had." he mumbled gaze still on the screen.  I recovered that he even didn’t felt Jiminss's touch neither anything bcz the movie was on the center of attention for him now.

I really choked the food thinking about it. I felt like if I digest it anymore I'll surely get loose motion so I finally murmured "jiminssi,jiminssi." giving him a shake.  "Hm?" he looked at me but didn't changed his position.

"Can you please keep the plate in the kitchen for me." I requested w innocence as that will give me w a  chance to take my seat in the middle.
"Why Don't you do it yourself? " he furrowed his eyebrows.

"I'm watching but you aren’t you are just staring at v hyung." I stated w a glare.
"I..i..i'm nott." he stuttered.

"Can you both just shut the fuck up!"
Taehyung berated w a loud shout which took everyone’s attention. Everyone glared at three of us. I apologized.

"Fine give me the plate." jimnssi muttered. I smirked mentally and gave him the plate he left the room w the plate. I knew he didn't did it bcz he was way too good to take everyone's order rather he did it to avoid my last statement which I couldn’t give a full stop for Taehyung. I wanted to seat in the middle but I was scared to ask Taehyung if he again gets fire. Jiminssi came back and took his precious seat. He totally avoided eye contact w me & was looking at the screen. The room was now pin drop  silent except the music and conversations from the movie.

(A/N : do you like marvels?)

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