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It was the next day when BTS were about to visit Jeongguk after ages but unfortunately Taehyung came to know that he can't join them because he have some schedule.

Jeongguk's pov :
I was so happy to meet everyone after ages,esp V hyung.  I thought of making something home made rather than buying something from restaurant. I also lack money. Aish!

But first I need to handle the cleaning things. After vacuuming the whole dorm I ran to da kitchen.
Umm..korean dishes?
Why not try something different.
But for dat I need to buy groceries.

Ugh!Again the same mask,same hoodie,same cape,same sunglasses.

I went to the shopping mall nearby. Bought pasta,shredder cheese,capsicums & bla bla enough stuffs to cook italian.

This YouTube thing is awesome. You can experience things world wide. Thanks to the innovation.

Time passed as Jeongguk prepared italian dishes for his hyungs.

Noone's pov:

Jeongguk was waiting w anticipation for da members. When suddenly da door bell rang. He jumped from the couch & flew to the door & opened it quickly,hurting his knuckles.

Jeonggukaaaaaaaaaaaa. Was the only name which was clearly audible to Jeongguk's ears above all these chaotic noises. Jeongguk got plenty of tight hugs from his hyungs which probably ended his breath to one point. He gasped. After ending the greeting rituals Jeongguk allowed his hyungs inside,but couldn’t find Taehyung. He peaked outside but Taehyung wasn’t their.

"Searching for someone? " A familiar voice spoke from his back.

Jeongguk turned,he knew it was Jimin.
"Um...yes,Taehyung hyung didn’t came?"


"Why?" Jeongguk's face became visibly pale all of a sudden.

"He got some schedules to do in morning. Idol's life are pathetic you know." Jimin sighed.

"Ouh" An aw showering Jeongguk's face. He walked inside.
Jimin followed him.

Though Taehyung's absence made Jeongguk dismal,off. But the company of his hyungs after many days made him happy. He let out Taehyung off his head & enjoyed time w others.

It's lunch time,Jeongguk shouted from the dining. Jimin & Hoseok went to help him in serving but saw Jeongguk has already done it very neatly.

"So what have you made for you guests Gguk?" Jin came asking from the living room.

"Italian." Jeongguk answered short.

"Really?" Yoongi chuckled.

"Yes hyung." Jeongguk smiled back.

"Wonder how will it taste." Jimin jabbed Jeongguk's back.

"Even I don't know." Jeongguk chuckled.

"Ok ok let's eat I trust Jeongguk." Hoseok offered.

"Yeah my stomach is growling." Namjoon groaned.

Jeongguk served pasta & pizza to his hyungs. And as Hoseok assumed it was so good as his first. Jeongguk made it pretty perfect. Everyone enjoyed the lunch. Completing Jeongguk's cooking skill. But in the meantime,Jeongguk missed one compliment from someone. Taehyung.

"Aish Jeonggukaa we've to move our lazy asses now." Jin sighed.

"Yeah it's evening now." Jeongguk mumbled solemnly.

"So get shifted by next week Jeongguk." Hoseok reminded.

"Yeah I'll the start the packings thn."

"Ok ok let's move now." Yoongi gave a hurry.

"Bye Ggukie." Jimin pushed a tight hug.

"Bye Jimissi." Jeongguk broad a smile.

Everyone left. Jeongguk was once again left alone.

(A/n: sorry no TaeKook individual here :ঃ)

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