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I woke up  & found Jeongguk sleeping like a baby bunny beside me. He was adorable, absolutely endearing.
So of a sudden my gaze went to da black clock hung infront me.


Aish shit! If by any chance Hyungs goes to office I'll be caught red handed.  I've to leave immediately. But Jeongguk?  No he's sleeping placidly I shouldn’t barge on his dis peaceful thing.

Um... I'll text him. Or how about a letter? It will be cute. As thought.  I wrote a letter to him & kept in on da side table.

Jeongguk's pov:

I woke up indolently rubbing my half awake eyes. And kept my hand as an attempt to find V hyung but he wasn’t beside. I checked da time 10:00 already. I jumped off da bed & went to check da washroom he wasn’t even there. Did he left already? But w/o even informing me. Why would he do dat? Did he got offended by my any conduct?

I sat on my bad downcastly. Hyung why do u always act bipolar?  Instantaneously my eyes discoverd a page on da side table. I took da paper.

Gguk when I woke up it was already late so I've to leave & u were sleeping meticulously so didn't bother to awake you.
Take care <3

Aish Jeongguk when will u grow up! I actually have to draw an conclusion on  overthinking. But I already miss him. Even what can I do? He's so irresistible.  I'll come to you soon taehyungie hyung. I chuckled myself.

Taehyung's pov:

I went back to da dorm.
Everything was normal. Nobody bothered to interrogate me much. Just asked casual questions about how was work.

"We've recording tomorrow." Namjoon hyung informed.

I went to my room to practice w da lyrics,tune.

"Taehyugieeeeee!" A euphonious voice hummed my name from behind.

I knew who it was already.

"Did you finally got a girlfriend Jiminssi? " I raised my eyebrows.

"Just bring a permission to date thousand girls are behind." He shrugged.

"Yeah I know I know." I giggled.

"Look what're Armys creating." Jiminssi showed his phone enthusiastically.

My eyes flew on my head for a second

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My eyes flew on my head for a second. TAEKOOK!

"What da....."

"Isn't it cool,like da duo name Isn't it?" Jimin stated excitedly.

"Um...yeah but isn’t it...."

"Again you're overthinking you dunno anything Tae,come sit lemme explain you kpop culture broadly." Jimin offered me to seat. We both  sat on da bed. Jimin coughed like a Professor is going to start his lecture.

"Ok so shipping is common in kpop culture." started like a professional.

"What's shipping now?"

"Oh tae!" Jimin whacked his own forehead.


"Wait. It's seems like I've to start from da dot." Jimin sighed twisting his lips & started.

"So basically shipping in kpop means to romantically or either friendly naming two idols by adjusting their individual names. But basically shipping is romantic genre. It can be two idols from same group or two idols from particular gruop. It can be a boy & a girl idol or it can be of same gender. But shipping two male idols is now a trend & has become common as well.” Jimin ended like a professional.

" And on what purpose do they ship them?"

"Basically fans assume dat they're dating or couples or has a romantic relation. And they love to create scenarios on it as per their choices. That's it." Jimin shrugged.

"So now Armys are assuming dat me & Jeongguk are probably a couple? " I screeched my eyebrows.

"Maybe yes lol. But you don't take it seriously ok?"

"Um..yeah ok." I hesitated for a stiff reply.

"It's just their assumption.  Or something is going between you two in real hu?" Jimin smirked giving a jerk  on my shoulder.

"Uhh..no what." he's terrible I swear.

"Hey I was just kidding why so series." he laughed loud.

"I mean dis is no topic to joke." I rolled my eyes.

"Stop giving me stern look it scares me." Jimin giggled out loud.

"Stop laughing like a donkey now  go for practice we've recording tomorrow. " I scolded serious.

"Yeah going Hyung,hey wait isn't me your Hyung? "

"Just go already jiminahhhhh. Yoongi hyung will spank you otherwise." I teased his adam apple.

"Going hu."

Jimin left.

But something hit my mind. If Armys w/o anything assumes dat me & Jeongguk might be a couple then what's wrong in actually DOING so??

(A/n : Eid Mubarak lovelies)


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