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Taehyung's pov:

I woke up w cranium ache next morning kinda dizzy as well. Maybe due to staying in call w Jeongguk for so long. Why won't it be as well. I'm never used to it after all.

Ahhhh Jeongguk, yes Jeongguk! He is my boyfriend now. Aish how can I skip dat. I've to wish him a good morning even. Taehyung why can't you be a sugarplum already taken captivated boyfriend.  I smacked my own head.

"Hello Ggukie Good Morning."

"What was dat?" A kinda gruffy voice from Jeongguk.

"Sorry I just woke up now." I chuckled awfully.

"That's alright but I'm asking is dis a way to address your boyfriend? "

"Ohh that’s haha um...so now I have to give u a new name.  I mean I don't know. Umm.. Okay let's do one thing. Would you mind teaching me please."

"Okie fine looks like I've to start it from a,b,c. Alright I won't mind it tho."

"Yeah I know you wont mind teaching me. Now start."

"Okay so you've to start it like
Ahh good morning honey bun. I really missed you beside me. But don't worry babe boy I'll be on your bed soon. Morning w/o you is really gloomy. I wish we could do the morning cuddle bun.
That's it."

"Oh I thought it would be more longer . Nah okay I'll note next time haha."

"You're teasing me Hyung."
I could feel him pouting over phone.

"Haha no. So do you we've schedule today? "

"No we don't. How could you not know. Today is Saturday. "

"Alright wanna hangout? "

"Hyung we're not like other couples to roam around that freely" Jeongguk murmured noiselessly da last words.

"Um..we can just hangout kiddo. Friends can hangout too right. And we've our protection set right.  The mask,hood & sunglasses." I tried to cheer him up.

"Yeah I forgot. So tell the time?" he literally acted over it cheerfully.

"At 4:00 pm then?"

"Okie dokie."

"Bye then Yoongi hyung is screaming my name regardlessly for da 100th time haha."

"Yeah ok bye hyung."


Jeongguk's pov :

Finally after anticipating for eras my all the fantasies are diverting  to reality.

I can't estimate how happy.I was whipping like a kid. But why won't I?  It was all about a 2 years or more long waiting.  It's not like I've never went out w Taehyungie  hyung but today it was a date!!!!. OUR DATE.

I took shower probably emptying my half of shampoo & body wash. No worries.I'll ask Yoongi hyung to buy me one after moving back w them. After confirming dat I smell nice I mean not only nice the neighbours could also smell me now if they sniff a bit strong. After drying  my hairs wrapping in my towel it was time to select the clothes. Something very important.  Taehyungie hyung has no doubt even saw me in my red boxers too. But today it was all about a total new impression.  So I've to be little bit picky about the outfits.  I just can't barge on wearing anything.

Ahh my wardrobe lack clothes.  I should've bought all my clothes here. Dis no. Throw. Umm...dis . No it will look bulky on me. Throw.  I guess dis can...um..no. Throw.

What will I wear if I throw everything like dis. I've to end up in towel then. Nooo.  Finally got something which matches. 
Denim jeans & an oversized white t shirt. That's what suits you best Jeongguk. Even Jiminie told me once.
I stood in front of a long mirror which was so long enough to capture upto my feet. Good. Now where is my watch..yes this one!Dis watch will definitely suit w this fit. My hairs..umm..it looks set.  How can I forget my moisturiser which will enact to glow my da crease of my cheeks. Um..perfume. The strawberry flavour which hyung likes best.

And where is my white snickers. Yes! Nice. Now you're ready for da date Jeongguk. No wait something is missing. But what is it? Ahh yes my lip balm.
Perfect Jeon!

Time skips to the restaurant ~

Well I know it's just of a foolishness to reach da restaurant 30 minutes ago . And if u r a BTS then it's just a worst doing here. But I couldn't help it. I mean I can't just make my boyfriend wait in my very first date.  Should I walk out da car? No it will be a bad idea.I should keep my ass calm on da seat.

Let me check da time. What only 5 mins past- Shibal. Time just do marathon race  when I'm w Taehyungie hyung. But now look at dis tortoise.  I should listen to music. It'll push to consume my time.

A sudden knock on da glass made me awake . I thought it was just a beggar as my eyes were still blurry due to my incomplete certain nap. I rubbed my eyes to look at da person knocked my glass. A masked man pulling his hood further his forehead to at least his nose ,sunglasses tilted up to nose tip & eyes continuously blinking is what I saw.
I slide my window's glass to look onto him. Mono eyelid.

"Aaaa v hyung?"

he just nodded.
I checked my watch.  Gosh it was already 4 past 40.
By dat time taehyungie hyung already walked on da opposite side to seat beside me. I quickly unlocked da door. He kind of jumped on da seat.

"Aish Gguk ...." he whined & slide his mask down. He was looking really exhausted & tired. 

"Hyung I'm really sorry when did u reached ?"

"Exact at 4:00 Gguk." He slurred w a yawn.

"Awww I m sorry I fell asleep listening to music. You waited forty minutes?"

"And what?he hacked off.

"Ahh hyung I am soo sorry. " I murmured an apology what more could I do even.

"I didn't got a car even to wait. Hobi hyung dropped me over here. You at least took da car from office."  voice dropped still enraged.

"Hyung you won't trust just to not make you wait a single minute I drove here 30 minutes ago but somehow my eyes betrayed me to fall over . I am sooooo sorry."

"No it's alright.  I was about to leave as ppl were giving me weird glances then I saw dis car & found it familiar then when I peeked inside I discovered you sleeping so thought of telling you that I'm leaving. "

"Leaving? "

"Yeah  I should go now. You better go & take a good sleep at home. " he really sounded so gruffy.
"V hyung pls don't leave like dis. Please.  I m soooo sorryyyyy." I was really about to sob.

"Jeongguk we can go out any other time? My mood is gone now so bye." He faked a smile.

I was feeling so dumb on my own self.  How could I be so irresponsible.  He was about to leave when I held his hand tightly & pulled him towards me.

"Pleeeeeeeease don't go."

A/n : hie hommies. So sorry for da almost 2 months  late update-. I'll Update regularly from now on dw.

BTS chapter 2 is about no buttons haha.

Today TaeTae posted Gguk on his ig story. T T.

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