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3rd person's pov:

That was the day when Taehyung & Jeongguk finally gave each other their imfinite. They creeped to reach the last phase of their idle relationship.
It's not like they got the chances to leave together like dis always. Their lives wasn’t sorted tho now they lead an opulent life. BTS kept ascending day by day.  Reaching different phases cordially.

Year 2018~

Realising idol & fake love was their greatest achievement. Life became more hectic. No time for personal chores. They had to attend shows,interviews,awards. Jeongguk got more matured. He could understand the situation in a hold.
Not Taehyung,neither Jeongguk could space out a time for each other. At the end of the day their lives feel empty even w the passing breeeze. It feels heavy. Lump of greif. Taehyung & Jeongguk got different mornings & different nights. Monotonous but still they had to continue their life like dat.

Year 2019~

BTS were now at the path to find map of the soul. Jeongguk & Taehyung used to meet just at the time of rehearsals & recordings. It's not like members were less concern about their relationship but they could help less here as it was not completely in their grip.  Mostly Jimin & Hoseok were concerned so they used to let them seat together in shows or interviews but here also they had constraints.  Sometimes they had to seat according to the serial Bighit selected for them.
Out of huge distance Taekook's bonding didn’t lessened at all. They share same feelings,same heart,same soul but just at different walls. Armys could catch dat. They made many videos,edits clips hashtaged as TAEKOOK. And dat is something dat caught director's eyes. This was usual in kpop to ship idols but something which was more strong here was Taehyung & Jeongguk's relationship. They couldn’t accept it in all boundaries.  Tougher & tougher. They had to start struggling again.

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