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Year 2020~

It was the year when pandemic outflowing started all over the world. The whole world got stunned. BTS schedules got resumed. So they had a chance to over shift everything. Taehyung & Jeongguk started to live together. In a same house. Just them. Tho it wasn't informed to their authorities but the members knew.

Jeongguk's perspective :

Today Taehyung Hyung came over my place. We'll be leaving together these days. I was so happy tho I never wanted the world to be like dis but if this gives me a chance to leave w Taehyung Hyung then some part of this might be good.

"Jeonggukie my clothes aren't fitting in your wardrobe. " Taehyung hyung whined from my room. Deeming the stove I ran to Taehyung Hyung not giving him another wise chance to complain & cracking his voice.

"Yes sir." I said dramatically.

"Stop acting dumbo." he smacked on my shoulder. "Should I keep my clothes in another room?" he asked again.

"No whyyyy? We'll share same room." I replied fast & quickly took out some of my clothes & made a decent space for him. "Here you go sir." I chuckled.

"Where will you keep them?' He asked pointing to my clothes which I threw on the bed.

I could smell something burning so I sniffed strongly to confirm dat my dish was burning. " shit Hyung! keep your clothes. " I ran to the kitchen to save at least some amount of my curry.


After confirming some angles of my room according to his choice Taehyung hyung finally rested his body on my bed sprawling his legs freely mouth continuously throwing yawns.

"You should sleep v hyung,you look weary. " I suggested w a smile & sat w him after doing the dishes.

"Really? Should I?" he asked to authenticate putting pressure on his words.

"Yeah why?"I furrowed my eyebrows to show my uncertainty.

" oh okay then I should sleep. "he faked a yawn & turned his ass to my face.

He acted different. I was bewildered. But still I choosed to sleep beside him & when I was about to turn off the bedside lamp something bumped on my head. A past thing. I chuckled myself imagining it.

" What so funny?" Taehyung Hyung turned to me rubbing his eyes w his one hand.

"V hyung you remember? Back in 2015 when you came to sleep w me. It was my birthday & you told me not to turn off the lamp because you were scared. " I smiled automatically.

"Yeah I do. That time was different. We weren't like dis. Our positions,our financial status,we,us. Nothing was like this." He monotonously sighed.

"Yeahh. Um.. So are you still scared? Should I keep the lamp on?" I chuckled because his sigh told me that he was becoming nostalgic & that would just made him sad so I just changed the topic.

"Neh Taehyung isn't scared anymore." he said confidently.

"I know I know." I laughed noisily.

"Jeongguk."Suddenly his voice became low.

"yes?" I mumbled back.

"Old days were good no? We used to live together. Didn't had to maintain so much of privacy.
Chatting with friends from outside. Less constraints. BTS had to go through rules & boundaries but still we felt free." Voice becoming more monotonous with every line.

"But Hyung success is all we desperately wanted. Didn't we ?" I asked back.

"sure we did. Still we do . But something is their which I miss."

"Nothing comes back . But all we can do is always stick together." I engulfed his hand tightly bringing it to my chest.

"How far?" Taehyung Hyung murmured. He didn't told dat to me but he just said it in the air & I heard it. My bunny ears. And I couldn't control my shameless mouth to answer for dat which I wasn't even told.

"To the eternity. " I said louder.

"Jeongguk."he once again mumbled my name.

"Tell me." I grasped his hands as I was still holding his hand to my chest.

"You're my boyfriend . So I can ask for anything from you?" I didn't know if he was saying or asking .

"Yeah." It was the only answer for both of it.

"Can we have sex? " He mumbled even now more lowly .

"Now?" I was kinda shocked . Taehyung Hyung never asked for it by him. And getting intimate for us was just like 29 February.In our dis long relationship we barely had sex. I can count with my fingers. And all the time it was me to initiate it. It's not like Taehyung Hyung behaved ignorantly with me but he never showed that much of interest in the first place. So getting amused wasn't wrong.

"Yes right now." he said solemnly.

"Aren't you tired? " I asked again. Not like I didn't want him but still my integrity made me think twice.

"I'm not. Let's just fuck already." he sounded desperate & before I could process he started to kiss my neck. His lips & hands were co-working. One to kiss me another to remove my T shirt.

once I was completely half undressed. Taehyung hyung pressed our bodies & intertwined our lips. He was kissing me wildly & scratching my back with his nails which showed how desperate he was for this. I didn't aback to kiss him with same vigour & energy. After getting totally hitted with each other's touch . It was the time . In the meantime we both undressed each other completely. After a last kiss I finally inserted my member inside him going slow first & rapidly increasing the speed. My hands kept on pressing his tiddies. Taehyung hyung told me to fuck him harder just the moment my dick touched his hole but I knew how it works . I didn't want to hurt him . So going slowly was a wise idea.

"Go faster for fuck sake. " Taehyung hyung moaned louder.

"Let the fun to arrive slow." I teased.

After reaching his prostate I felt near. Taehyungiee was already cumming but wasn't satisfied . But I had to stop. After taking a rest not idle we were still kissing,playing w each others member. And again Taehyungiee pleaded his eyes. I couldn't resist him so I had to fuck him once again. And again. We cum thrice or even more. It was the first time we did it so long. He was needy & seduced me to become too.

When he was resting on my chest he said something which cursed our sweetest moment w in a split second.

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